ProvenancePropertyInfo Property
Gets the
ProvenancePropertyInfo if provenance is supported. If provenance is not supported then this will be null. SEe
Get Whether KG Supports Provenance using KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
internal void KnowledgeGraphProvenance(KnowledgeGraph kg)
// use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
var propInfo = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
var supportsProvenance = propInfo.SupportsProvenance;
var provenanceType = propInfo.ProvenanceTypeName;
var provenanceInfo = propInfo.ProvenancePropertyInfo;
Create a Provenance Record
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Instantiate an operation for the Create
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create a new provenance record",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//lets get the provenance table (provenance is not added to the
//map TOC)
var provenance_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Provenance");
if (provenance_tbl == null)
//we will add a row to the provenance for person entity
var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");
//Arbitrarily retrieve the first "person" row
var instance_id = Guid.Empty;
using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
if (!rc.MoveNext())
instance_id = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();//Get the global id
//Define the provenance attributes - we need the names
//of the provenance properties from the KG ProvenancePropertyInfo
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var ppi = kg_prop_info.ProvenancePropertyInfo;
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceTypeNamePropertyName] =
person_tbl.GetDefinition().GetName();//entity type name
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceFieldNamePropertyName] = "name";//Must be a property/field on the entity
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourceNamePropertyName] = "Annual Review 2024";//can be anything - can be null
//note: Source type is controlled by the CodedValueDomain "esri__provenanceSourceType"
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourceTypePropertyName] = "Document";//one of ["Document", "String", "URL"].
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourcePropertyName] = "HR records";//can be anything, not null
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceCommentPropertyName] = "Rock star";//can be anything - can be null
//Add in the id of the provenance owner - our "person" in this case
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceInstanceIDPropertyName] = instance_id;
//Specify any additional custom attributes added to the provenance
//schema by the user as needed....
//attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
//attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//Create the provenance row
edit_op.Create(provenance_tbl, attribs);
if (edit_op.Execute())
//TODO: Operation succeeded
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3.4 or higher.