Evaluating Arcade Visual Variable Expressions on a Renderer
//Consult https://github.com/Esri/arcade-expressions/ and
//https://developers.arcgis.com/arcade/ for more examples
//and arcade reference
var mv = MapView.Active;
var map = mv.Map;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Assume we a layer - Oregon County (poly) that is using Visual Variable
//expressions that we want to evaluate interactively...
var def = oregon_cnts.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer;
//Most all feature renderers have a VisualVariable collection
var renderer = def.Renderer as CIMUniqueValueRenderer;
var vis_variables = renderer.VisualVariables?.ToList() ??
new List<CIMVisualVariable>();
if (vis_variables.Count == 0)
return;//there are none
var vis_var_with_expr = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//see if any are using expressions
foreach (var vv in vis_variables)
if (vv is CIMColorVisualVariable cvv)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression))
vis_var_with_expr.Add("Color", cvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression);
else if (vv is CIMTransparencyVisualVariable tvv)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression))
vis_var_with_expr.Add("Transparency", tvv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression);
else if (vv is CIMSizeVisualVariable svv)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(svv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression))
vis_var_with_expr.Add("Outline", svv.ValueExpressionInfo?.Expression);
if (vis_var_with_expr.Count == 0)
return;//there arent any with expressions
//loop through the features (outer)
//per feature evaluate each visual variable.... (inner)
//the converse is to loop through the expressions (outer)
//then per feature evaluate the expression (inner)
using (var rc = oregon_cnts.Search())
while (rc.MoveNext())
foreach (var kvp in vis_var_with_expr)
var expr_info = new CIMExpressionInfo()
Expression = kvp.Value,
ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default
//per feature eval each expression...
using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
expr_info, ArcadeProfile.Visualization))
var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$feature", rc.Current)
//note 2D maps can also have view scale...
//...if necessary...
if (mv.ViewingMode == MapViewingMode.Map)
variables.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(
"$view.scale", mv.Camera.Scale));
var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult().ToString();
$"[{rc.Current.GetObjectID()}] '{kvp.Key}': {result}");
////foreach (var kvp in vis_var_with_expr)
//// var expr_info = new CIMExpressionInfo()
//// {
//// Expression = kvp.Value,
//// ReturnType = ExpressionReturnType.Default
//// };
//// using (var arcade = ArcadeScriptEngine.Instance.CreateEvaluator(
//// expr_info, ArcadeProfile.Visualization))
//// {
//// //loop through the features
//// using (var rc = oregon_cnts.Search())
//// {
//// while (rc.MoveNext())
//// {
//// var variables = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>() {
//// new KeyValuePair<string, object>("$feature", rc.Current)
//// };
//// var result = arcade.Evaluate(variables).GetResult();
//// //output
//// //...
//// }
//// }
//// }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10
ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.