//Create curve text with basic text properties.
//Construct on the worker thread
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D pt1 = new Coordinate2D(3.6, 7.5);
Coordinate2D pt2 = new Coordinate2D(4.26, 8);
Coordinate2D pt3 = new Coordinate2D(4.93, 7.1);
Coordinate2D pt4 = new Coordinate2D(5.6, 7.5);
//At 2.x - CubicBezierBuilder bez = new CubicBezierBuilder(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
var bez = new CubicBezierBuilderEx(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
CubicBezierSegment bezSeg = bez.ToSegment();
//At 2.x - Polyline bezPl = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(bezSeg);
Polyline bezPl = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(bezSeg);
//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 24, "Comic Sans MS", "Regular");
//At 2.x - GraphicElement bezTxtElm = LayoutElementFactory.Instance.CreateCurvedTextGraphicElement(layout, bezPl, "Curved Text", sym);
// bezTxtElm.SetName("New Splinned Text");
GraphicElement bezTxtElm = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextGraphicElement(
layout, TextType.SplinedText, bezPl, sym, "Curved Text", "New Splinned Text");