ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core Namespace / TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions Class / GetAvailableFonts Method
Example Version

GetAvailableFonts Method (TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions)
Gets the list of available fonts in the application for the Pro session. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.

Return Value

A list of tuples where tuple.fontName is the font family name and tuple.fontStyles is a list of available styles for the given font family
This method or property must be called within the lambda passed to QueuedTask.Run.
Get All Available Fonts
//Note: see also SymbolFactory.Instance.GetAvailableFonts() which returns the
//same list. Use for TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetAvailableFonts() convenience

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //A list of tuples of Font name + associated Font Styles, one tuple per
  //font, is returned
  var fonts = ApplicationOptions.TextAndGraphicsElementsOptions.GetAvailableFonts();
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  sb.AppendLine("Pro Fonts\r\n============================");
  foreach (var font in fonts)
    var styles = string.Join(",", font.fontStyles);
    sb.AppendLine($"{font.fontName}, [{styles}]");

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also