ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing Namespace / EditOperation Class / Create Method / Create(Table,Dictionary<String,Object>) Method
The table to create the new row in.
The attributes to assign the new row.
Example Version

Create(Table,Dictionary<String,Object>) Method
Creates a new row with the given attributes.


The table to create the new row in.
The attributes to assign the new row.

Return Value

A RowToken object that represents the row to be created.
Create a record in a separate table in the Map within Row Events
// Use the EditOperation in the RowChangedEventArgs to append actions to be executed. 
//  Your actions will become part of the operation and combined into one item on the undo stack

private void HookRowCreatedEvent()
  // subscribe to the RowCreatedEvent
  Table table = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault().GetTable();
  RowCreatedEvent.Subscribe(MyRowCreatedEvent, table);

private void MyRowCreatedEvent(RowChangedEventArgs args)
  // RowEvent callbacks are always called on the QueuedTask so there is no need 
  // to wrap your code within a QueuedTask.Run lambda.

  // get the edit operation
  var parentEditOp = args.Operation;

  // set up some attributes
  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object> { };
  attribs.Add("Layer", "Parcels");
  attribs.Add("Description", "OID: " + args.Row.GetObjectID().ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());

  //create a record in an audit table
  var sTable = MapView.Active.Map.FindStandaloneTables("EditHistory").First();
  var table = sTable.GetTable();
  parentEditOp.Create(table, attribs);
Create a record in a separate table within Row Events
// Use the EditOperation in the RowChangedEventArgs to append actions to be executed. 
//  Your actions will become part of the operation and combined into one item on the undo stack

private void HookCreatedEvent()
  // subscribe to the RowCreatedEvent
  Table table = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault().GetTable();
  RowCreatedEvent.Subscribe(OnRowCreatedEvent, table);

private void OnRowCreatedEvent(RowChangedEventArgs args)
  // RowEvent callbacks are always called on the QueuedTask so there is no need 
  // to wrap your code within a QueuedTask.Run lambda.

  // update a separate table not in the map when a row is created
  // You MUST use the ArcGIS.Core.Data API to edit the table. Do NOT
  // use a new edit operation in the RowEvent callbacks
    // get the edit operation
    var parentEditOp = args.Operation;

    // set up some attributes
    var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object> { };
    attribs.Add("Description", "OID: " + args.Row.GetObjectID().ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());

    // update Notes table with information about the new feature
    using (var geoDatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
      using (var table = geoDatabase.OpenDataset<Table>("Notes"))
        parentEditOp.Create(table, attribs);
  catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show($@"Error in OnRowCreated for OID: {args.Row.GetObjectID()} : {e.ToString()}");
Create a new Entity
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

  //Instantiate an operation for the Create
  var edit_op = new EditOperation()
    Name = "Create a new organization",
    SelectNewFeatures = true

  //Use datasets or feature layer(s) or standalone table(s)
  //Get a reference to the KnowledgeGraph
  //var kg = ... ; 

  //Open the feature class or Table to be edited
  var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");

  //Alternatively, use the feature layer for 'Organization' if your context is a map
  //Get the parent KnowledgeGraphLayer
  var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
  //From the KG Layer get the relevant child feature layer
  var org_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>()
                  .First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");

  //Define attributes
  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
  attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
  attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
  attribs["SHAPE"] = org_location;

  //Add it to the operation via the dataset...
  edit_op.Create(org_fc, attribs);
  //or use the feature layer/stand alone table if preferred and available
  //edit_op.Create(org_fl, attribs);

  if (edit_op.Execute())
    //TODO: Operation succeeded

Create a new Relationship from Existing Entities 1
var create_rel = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Instantiate an operation for the Create
  var edit_op = new EditOperation()
    Name = "Create a new relationship record",
    SelectNewFeatures = true

  //Use datasets or feature layer(s) or standalone table(s)
  //Get a reference to the KnowledgeGraph
  //var kg = ... ; 

  //We will use a relate called 'HasEmployee' to relate an Organization w/ a Person
  //Use either tables or map members to get the rows to be related...
  var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
  var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");

  //Get the relationship dataset
  //We can use either a table or standalone table
  var emp_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("HasEmployee");

  //we need the names of the origin and destination relationship properties
  var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();

  //Arbitrarily use the first record from the two entity datasets "to be" related
  //Entities are always related by Global ID. Origin to Destination specifies the
  //direction (of the relate).
  //Populate the attributes for the relationship
  var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();

  using (var rc = org_fc.Search())
    if (rc.MoveNext())
      //Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
      attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
  using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
    if (rc.MoveNext())
      //Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
      attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();

  //Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
  attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);

  //Add a create for the relationship to the operation
  edit_op.Create(emp_tbl, attribs);

  //Do the create
  return edit_op.Execute();

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also