//Must be on QueuedTask.Run(() => { ...
//Build geometry
Coordinate2D center = new Coordinate2D(4.5, 4);
var eabCir = new EllipticArcBuilderEx(center, 0.5, ArcOrientation.ArcClockwise);
var cir = eabCir.ToSegment();
var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(
PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(cir, AttributeFlags.AllAttributes));
//Set symbolology, create and add element to layout
CIMTextSymbol sym = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(
ColorFactory.Instance.GreenRGB, 10, "Arial", "Regular");
string text = "Circle, circle, circle";
var graphic = GraphicFactory.Instance.CreateSimpleTextGraphic(
TextType.CircleParagraph, poly, sym, text);
//Make an element to add to GraphicsLayer or Layout
//var ge = ElementFactory.Instance.CreateGraphicElement(container, graphic,
// "New Circle Text", true);