ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.TaskAssistant Namespace / TaskAssistantFactory Class / GetTaskItemInfoAsync Method
Full path to an .esriTasks file.
Example Version

GetTaskItemInfoAsync Method (TaskAssistantFactory)
Gets information about the task item stored in an ArcGIS Pro .esriTasks file.
public Task<TaskItemInfo> GetTaskItemInfoAsync( 
   string taskFile


Full path to an .esriTasks file.

Return Value

A Task returning the TaskItemInfo of the task file opened.
Error opening the task file. For example the taskFile is invalid.
Error opening the task file. The task file version is invalid.
Get Task Information - from an .esriTasks file
// TODO - substitute your own .esriTasks file
string taskFile = @"c:\Tasks\Get Started.esriTasks";

string message = await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
  string msg = "";
    // retrieve the task item information
    //At 2.x -
    //TaskItemInfo taskItemInfo = await TaskAssistantModule.GetTaskItemInfoAsync(taskFile);
    TaskItemInfo taskItemInfo = await TaskAssistantFactory.Instance.GetTaskItemInfoAsync(taskFile);

    msg = "Name : " + taskItemInfo.Name;
    msg += "\r\n" + "Description : " + taskItemInfo.Description;
    msg += "\r\n" + "Guid : " + taskItemInfo.Guid.ToString("B");
    msg += "\r\n" + "Task Count : " + taskItemInfo.GetTasks().Count();

  catch (OpenTaskException e)
    // exception thrown if task file doesn't exist or has incorrect format
    msg = e.Message;
  catch (TaskFileVersionException e)
    // exception thrown if task file does not support returning task information
    msg = e.Message;
  return msg;

ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show(message, "Task Information");
Open a specific Task in a Task File - .esriTasks file
// TODO - substitute your own .esriTasks file to be opened
string taskFile = @"c:\Tasks\Get Started.esriTasks";

await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
    // retrieve the task item information
    //At 2.x -
    //TaskItemInfo taskItemInfo = await TaskAssistantModule.GetTaskItemInfoAsync(taskFile);
    var taskItemInfo = await TaskAssistantFactory.Instance.GetTaskItemInfoAsync(taskFile);

    // find the first task
    TaskInfo taskInfo = taskItemInfo.GetTasks().FirstOrDefault();

    Guid guid = Guid.Empty;
    if (taskInfo != null)
      // if a task exists, open it
      //At 2.x -
      //guid = await TaskAssistantModule.OpenTaskAsync(taskFile, taskInfo.Guid);
      guid = await TaskAssistantFactory.Instance.OpenTaskFileAsync(taskFile, taskInfo.Guid);
      // else just open the task item
      //At 2.x -
      //guid = await TaskAssistantModule.OpenTaskAsync(taskFile);
      guid = await TaskAssistantFactory.Instance.OpenTaskFileAsync(taskFile);

    // TODO - retain the guid returned for use with CloseTaskItemAsync 
  catch (OpenTaskException e)
    // exception thrown if task file doesn't exist or has incorrect format
  catch (TaskFileVersionException e)
    // exception thrown if task file does not support returning task information


Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also