ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace / MapPoint Class / ToGeoCoordinateString Method
The parameters to be used in the conversion.
Example Version

ToGeoCoordinateString Method
Converts the point to a geographic string notation specified by the toGeoCoordParam parameter.
public string ToGeoCoordinateString( 
   ToGeoCoordinateParameter toGeoCoordParam


The parameters to be used in the conversion.

Return Value

String representing the map in the appropriate geographic notation. Returns null if the mapPoint is empty.
toGeoCoordParam is null.
The point is empty or has invalid coordinates that cannot be converted.
The spatial reference is null.
MapPoint - GeoCoordinateString Conversion
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
SpatialReference sr2 = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;

// create some points
MapPoint point0 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, sr);
MapPoint point1 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(10, 20, sr);
MapPoint point2 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(point1, sr2) as MapPoint;
MapPoint pointEmpty = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(sr);
MapPoint pointwithNoSR = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 1);
MapPoint pointZM = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, sr);

// convert to MGRS
ToGeoCoordinateParameter mgrsParam = 
         new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
// 31NAA6602100000
string geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);

// use the builder to create a new point from the string.
// Coordinates are the same 
// outPoint.x = 0; outPoint.Y = 0
MapPoint outPoint = 
                geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);

// 32QPH0460911794
// outPoint.X = 10; outPoint.Y = 20
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);             
outPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.FromGeoCoordinateString(
           geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);

// z, m are not transformed
// outPoint.X = 1; outPoint.Y = 2; outPoint.Z = Nan; outPoint.M = Nan;
geoCoordString = pointZM.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);
outPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.FromGeoCoordinateString(
  geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);

// set the number of digits to 2 and convert
// 32QPH0512
// outPoint.X = 10; outPoint.Y = 20
mgrsParam.NumDigits = 2;
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);             
outPoint = MapPointBuilderEx.FromGeoCoordinateString(
  geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);     

// convert to UTM
ToGeoCoordinateParameter utmParam = 
     new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.UTM);
// 31N 166021 0000000
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(utmParam);
// 32Q 604609 2211793
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(utmParam);        

// convert to DMS
ToGeoCoordinateParameter dmsParam = 
  new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DMS);
// 00 00 00.00N 000 00 00.00E
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(dmsParam);
// 20 00 00.00N 010 00 00.00E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(dmsParam);        

// convert to DDM
ToGeoCoordinateParameter ddmParam = 
  new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DDM);
// 00 00.0000N 000 00.0000E
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddmParam);
// 20 00.0000N 010 00.0000E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddmParam);        

// convert to DD
ToGeoCoordinateParameter ddParam = 
  new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DD);
// 00.000000N 000.000000E
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddParam);
// 20.000000N 010.000000E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddParam);       

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also