Export S-101 Cell (Maritime)

Available with ArcGIS Maritime license.


Exports S-101 hydrographic data from a geodatabase to an S-101 file.


  • S-101 products are clipped and extracted based on the area or areas of interest (up to three), pursuant to the S-101 specification, in the ProductCoverage feature class.

  • The product name is in accordance with the DatasetName listed in the ProductDefinitions table.

  • The following criteria must exist to export an S-101 cell:

    • Product information populated in the ProductDefinitions table
    • At least one area of interest (AOI) in the ProductCoverage feature class with a relationship to the corresponding ProductDefinition

  • The tool builds geometry primitives.

  • This tool does not reproject data. Verify that the projection field of the product metadata matches that of the source geodatabase.


LabelExplanationData Type
S-100 Feature Catalogue

An .xml file that follows the S-100 Feature Catalogue format as defined by the IHO. It describes the content of a data product and its specifications. The default file location for S-100 catalogue files is <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-101\, provided the Maritime product files are installed.

S-101 Workspace

The workspace that contains the product.

S-101 Product

The name of the product that will be exported.

This information must exist in the ProductCoverage feature class and ProductDefinition table before using this tool.

Export Type

The type of file that will be created during export.

  • New editionA new edition of a dataset, including new information that has not been previously distributed by updates. This is the default.
Output Location

The location where the export package will be written.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output File

The file to which output data will be written.


arcpy.maritime.ExportS101Cell(in_feature_catalogue, in_s101_workspace, product, export_type, output_location)
NameExplanationData Type

An .xml file that follows the S-100 Feature Catalogue format as defined by the IHO. It describes the content of a data product and its specifications. The default file location for S-100 catalogue files is <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-101\, provided the Maritime product files are installed.


The workspace that contains the product.


The name of the product that will be exported.

This information must exist in the ProductCoverage feature class and ProductDefinition table before using this tool.


The type of file that will be created during export.

  • NEW_EDITIONA new edition of a dataset, including new information that has not been previously distributed by updates. This is the default.

The location where the export package will be written.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The file to which output data will be written.


Code sample

ExportS101Cell example (stand-alone script)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ExportS101Cell function.

# Set S-100 Feature Catalogue environment
arcpy.env.S100FeatureCatalogueFile = r'C:\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\3.2\S-101\S-101_FC_1.1.0.xml'
#Set workspace environment
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\username\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\ENC\AU.gdb"

# Variables
catalogue = arcpy.env.S100FeatureCatalogueFile
ws = arcpy.env.workspace

# Run tool
arcpy.maritime.ExportS101Cell(catalogue,ws,'AU417139__.000', 'NEW_EDITION',r'C:\Users\username\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\ENC')

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requires ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Requires ArcGIS Maritime

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