110410: The Percentage of Locations Considered Outliers parameter value was set to <value> to ensure at least one outlier is detected.

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


The provided value for the Percentage of Locations Considered Outliers parameter resulted in no outliers being detected. The value used by the tool is displayed in the message. For example, if there are 20 points, and 1 percent of points are requested as outliers, this warning will be encountered because 1 percent of 20 rounds down to zero. In this case, the tool will use 5 percent because that is the minimum percent required to detect at least 1 outlier (5 percent of 20 is 1).

The actual percentage of locations detected as outliers may be larger than the printed number if there are ties in the largest local outlier factor values.


No action is required. However, consider providing a different value for the Percentage of Locations Considered Outliers parameter to detect more outliers.