110599: The spatial weights matrix could not be decomposed due to lack of neighbors.

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


For the Decompose Spatial Structure (Moran Eigenvectors) tool, the neighborhood parameter values resulted in no features having neighbors with positive weights. This can happen when using polygon contiguity neighborhoods and no input polygons are connected to each other (for example, island polygons). This can also happen if the Kernel Bandwidth parameter value is small enough that no features have neighbors within the bandwidth distance.

For the Compare Neighborhood Conceptualizations, Filter Spatial Autocorrelation From Field, or Create Spatial Component Explanatory Variables tool, the message is informational and means that at least one spatial weights matrix was skipped due to lack of neighbors with positive weights.


For the Decompose Spatial Structure (Moran Eigenvectors) tool, use different values for the Neighborhood Type or Kernel Bandwidth parameters so that at least one feature has a neighbor with a positive spatial weight.

For the Compare Neighborhood Conceptualizations, Filter Spatial Autocorrelation From Field, or Create Spatial Component Explanatory Variables tools, no action is required.