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Tests if a schema lock can be acquired for a feature class, table, or feature dataset. Tools that alter schema will require a schema lock to be placed on the input data. The Add Field tool is an example of such a tool. If the tool requires a schema lock and is unable to aquire one at the time of execution, an appropriate error message is returned. Scripts that use such tools should test if a schema lock can be acquired on the input data. The TestSchemaLock function will not actually apply a schema lock on the input data, but will return a Boolean.


TestSchemaLock (dataset)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The input data to be tested if a schema lock can be applied.

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

Returns a Boolean indicating if a schema lock can be applied to the input dataset.

The possible Boolean values are:

  • TrueA schema lock can be applied to the dataset.
  • FalseA schema lock cannot be obtained on the dataset.

Muestra de código

TestSchemaLock example

Returns a Boolean True if exclusive lock can be applied to dataset.

import arcpy

data = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

# Test if a schema lock can be applied, and if so, add a new field
if arcpy.TestSchemaLock(data):
    arcpy.AddField_management(data, "Flag", "LONG")
    print("Unable to acquire the necessary schema lock to add the new field")