Generate Market Area Segmentation Profile (Business Analyst)

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Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Creates a segmentation profile by summarizing segments from standard geography boundaries within the input area.


  • This tool requires segmentation data from a locally installed Business Analyst dataset.

  • The output profile lists the Segmentation Base parameter count and percent composition for each segment.

  • The area profile is compared to a user-specified customer profile to define core, niche, and developmental customer groups.

  • Inputs with up to 2,000 polygons are supported.


GenerateMarketAreaProfile(in_features, segmentation_base, out_profile)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The input feature class with polygon features used to create a segmentation area profile.

Feature Layer

The segmentation base for the profile being created. Available options are provided by the segmentation dataset in use.


The name of the segmentation profile file to be created.


Muestra de código

GenerateMarketAreaProfile example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateMarketAreaProfile tool.

import arcpy"TradeArea1", "Total Adult Population", r"C: \MyProject1\GenerateMarketAreaProfile3.sgprofile")

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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