GeoNames To Geodatabase (Topographic Production)


Loads GeoNames data into a feature class and table. The feature class is composed of point features, and the table contains fields with information concerning the naming conventions used for the features. The feature class contains the Unique Feature Identifier (UFI) and Unique Name Identifier (UNI), which match the same fields in the GeoNames table.


  • Before loading the GeoNames data into your database, the feature class and table must already exist.

  • If your organization already has a GeoNames database, this database may be used as long as it contains the UFI and UNI fields.


GeoNamesToGeodatabase(in_source, in_feature_class, in_allow_duplicates, in_table)
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

Path to the source file containing GeoNames information. This needs to be a properly formatted GeoNames file.

Shapefile; Text File

The GeoNames feature class; this feature class should be in the working database.

Feature Class

Allows duplicate features in the GeoNames feature class.

  • ALLOW_DUPLICATESAllows the tool to import features even if there is already an entry in the GeoNames feature class and table.
  • DON'T_ALLOW_DUPLICATESPrevents the tool from importing features if there is another feature with the same geometry and attributes in the GeoNames feature class or GeoNames table. This is the default.

The GeoNames table. This table should be in the working database.


Salida derivada

NombreExplicaciónTipo de datos

Output feature class containing GeoName features.

Feature Class

Output table containing attribution for GeoName features.


Muestra de código

GeoNamesToGeodatabase example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the GeoNamesToGeodatabase tool to import GeoNames from a properly formatted text file to a selected GeoNames feature class and table.

# Name:
# Description: Use the GeoNames To Geodatabase tool to import GeoNames from a properly formatted text file to a selected GeoNames feature class and table

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting Local Variables
source_file = r'C:\Temp\al_populatedplaces_p.txt'
feature_class = r'C:\Temp\Geonames_Template.gdb\GeoNames_FeaturesP'
in_table = r'C:\Temp\Geonames_Template.gdb\GEONAMES_TABLE'

# Use the GeoNames To Geodatabase tool to import GeoNames from a properly formatted text file
arcpy.topographic.GeoNamesToGeodatabase(source_file, feature_class, 'DONT_ALLOW_DUPLICATES', in_table)

# Check In Extensions


Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requiere Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Requiere Production Mapping

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