Generate Geographies From Overlay (Business Analyst)

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Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Generates trade areas from the features of an input standard geography level that has a specified spatial relationship with the input.


  • The tool finds the component geography of the given input layer and, for each component geography, calculates how much of its area, population, number of households, and so on, intersect the input feature.

  • The Input Features layer is used to define which features of the standard geography level layer will be included in the Output Feature Class.

  • The Output Feature Class is based on a polygon-to-polygon selection and is computed by a geometric relationship of the features in both polygon-based layers.

  • The All ratios value is not available when using online data.

  • This tool will consume credits under certain circumstances, for example, if one or more Ratios variables are selected and are connected to ArcGIS Online, there will be a credit consumption similar to the Enrich Layer tool. Credit consumption also depends on the number of partial intersections between Input Features and Geography Level inputs.

Sintaxis, in_features, id_field, out_feature_class, {overlap_type}, {ratios})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The geography level that will be used to define the trade area.


The features used to extract the standard geography level features by the specified spatial relationship. It can be either all features from the layer or only those selected once a selection is available.

Feature Layer

The field used to identify the input_features parameter—for example, the IDs of drive time polygons.


The output feature containing the trade area.

Feature Class

Specifies how the subgeography will be selected from the boundary layer.

  • INTERSECTIf any of the subgeography features touch or intersect the boundary layer, they will be included in the output layer. This is the default.
  • CENTROID_WITHINIf the centroids of any of the subgeography features are contained within the boundary layer, they will be included in the output layer.
  • COMPLETELY_WITHINOnly the features of the subgeography layer that are completely contained within the boundary layer will be included in the output layer.

Specifies the ratios to be calculated.

  • NO_RATIOSNo ratios will be implemented. This is the default.
  • AREA_ONLYOnly the ratios within the portion (area) of the standard geography level that intersects an input feature will be implemented.
  • ALL_RATIOSAll available ratios will be implemented. This option is not available when using online data.

Muestra de código

GenerateGeographiesFromOverlay example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateGeographiesFromOverlay tool.

import arcpy"US.ZIP5", "TradeArea", "ID",

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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