Enrich Layer

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Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.

Enrich Layer appends demographic and landscape variables to any input polygon feature class for further analysis, modeling, and reporting. You can enhance a set of input features with data from approximately 15,000 variables and from more than 140 countries hosted in ArcGIS Online. The source of the data can be from ArcGIS Online or data that is installed locally. Data includes demographics such as age by race or by sex, population and housing characteristics, labor profiles, business locations, consumer spending, and market potential.

Data is available at multiple geographic scales, such as block groups, counties, states, and entire countries. Enrich Layer uses a proprietary apportionment methodology to more accurately estimate statistics at low levels of geography.


Read about setting up custom data for use in Enrich Layer and other Business Analyst workflows with Statistical Data Collections.

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