View LRS event properties

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Disponible con licencia de Location Referencing.

You can view the properties of an LRS event as either a map layer or a feature class.

To modify existing LRS event properties, use the Modify LRS Event geoprocessing tool.

LRS event properties

The following tables describe the LRS event properties:

Name and feature class

Event name and event feature class properties appear at the top of the Location Referencing tab.


Event Name

The name of the selected event.

Event Feature Class

The feature class from which the LRS event was created.

Event Type

The data type of the selected event: linear or point.

Parent Network

The LRS Network in which the event is located.

Tolerance and resolution

You can view the following Tolerance and Resolution properties:

Learn more about tolerance and resolution settings for the LRS


Measure Precision

The specified number of decimal places included in the measure.

XY Tolerance

The x,y tolerance set for the network feature class.

M Tolerance

The m-tolerance set for the network feature class.

Z Tolerance

The z-tolerance set for the network feature class.

XY Resolution

The x,y resolution set for the network feature class.

M Resolution

The m-resolution set for the network feature class.

Z Resolution

The z-resolution set for the events feature class.

Event fields

You can view the following Event Fields properties for the events feature class:

Learn more about the events data model


Event Id

The unique ID for each event record.

From Route Name

The name of route from which the From measure is derived.

From Route Id

The unique ID of the route from which the From measure is derived.

From Measure

The measure on the route where the beginning of the event will be located.

To Route Name

The name of route from which the To measure is derived.

To Route Id

The unique ID of the route from which the To measure is derived.

To Measure

The measure on the route where the end of the event is located.

From Date

The date the event became active on the route.

To Date

The date the event was retired on the route.

Location Error

The location error for the event.

Supports Spanning Routes

Indicates whether the event was registered with span routes enabled.

Referent fields

You can view the following Referent Fields properties:


From Referent Method (linear events)

Method of referencing the offset feature. This can be x,y coordinates, stationing, length, LRS Network, event, intersection, or other point feature classes.

From Referent Location (linear events)

Location of the offsetting feature. This can be an x,y coordinate, feature or event ID, or intersection ID.

From Referent Offset (linear events)

The offset measure. Saved in the unit of measure configured when configuring offset fields.

To Referent Method (linear events)

Method of referencing the offset feature. This can be x,y coordinates, stationing, length, LRS Network, event, intersection, or other point feature classes.

To Referent Location (linear events)

Method of referencing the offset feature. This can be x,y coordinates, stationing, length, LRS Network, event, intersection, or other point feature classes.

To Referent Offset (linear events)

The offset measure. Saved in the unit of measure configured when configuring offset fields.

Offset Units

The unit of measure for offsets in the LRS Network in which the event resides.

Derived measure fields

Expand the Derived Measure Fields node to view the following properties:


Derived Route Id

The unique ID of the route in the derived network.

Derived Route Name

The name of the route in the derived network.

Derived From Measure (line event)

The measure on the route in the derived network where the event begins.

Derived To Measure (line event)

The measure on the route in the derived network where the event ends.

Event behavior rules

You can view the following Event Behavior Rules configured for the selected LRS Network.

The event behavior rules are configured and applied to each of the activity types (calibrate, retire, extend, reassign, and realign) using the Apply Event Behaviors geoprocessing tool.

View event layer properties by map layer

You can view the properties of an LRS event map layer from the Contents pane:

  1. Open the Contents pane in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Right-click the event layer whose properties you want to view and click Properties.

    The Layer Properties dialog box appears with the selected network layer name shown in the title bar.


    The dialog box tabs that appear on the left of the dialog box are specific to the selected layer type.

  3. Click the Location Referencing tab on the left.

    Scroll down if the tab isn't visible in the list.

    The Location Referencing tab displays general properties for your selection at the top, with additional nodes below.

  4. Click the arrow for a node to expand or collapse its properties.

    If the value or field name is longer than the display, hover over the property to view its details, or resize the dialog box to view additional details.


    You can copy the read-only properties to your clipboard.

  5. Click OK to exit the Layer Properties dialog box.

View event layer properties by feature class

  1. Open the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Expand the geodatabase connection and any subfolders to browse to the feature class.
  3. Right-click the event feature class whose properties you want to view and click Properties.

    The Feature Class Properties dialog box appears with the selected feature class name shown in the title bar.


    The dialog box tabs that appear on the dialog box are specific to the selected layer type.

  4. Click the Location Referencing tab on the left.

    Scroll down if the tab isn't visible in the list.

    The Location Referencing tab displays general properties for your selection at the top, with additional nodes below.

  5. Click the arrow for a node to expand or collapse its properties.

    If the value or field name is longer than the display, hover over the property to view its details, or resize the dialog box to view additional details.


    You can copy the read-only properties to your clipboard.

  6. Click OK to exit the Feature Class Properties dialog box.