Configure External Event With LRS (Location Referencing)

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Associates event data stored in an external system with an LRS.


  • The geodatabase where the associated events are present and the geodatabase in which the LRS resides must be enterprise geodatabases.

  • This tool can also be used to modify the name, fields, and event behaviors for the existing configured external events.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Event

The external event feature class or table to be registered to an LRS.

Table View
Parent LRS Network

The LRS Network to which the event will be registered.

Feature Layer
LRS Event Name

The name of the external event or table that will be registered to the LRS.

Event ID Field

The event ID field available in the event feature class or table.

Route ID Field

The name of the route ID field if it is a point event or a line event that does not span routes, or the name of the from route ID field if the event spans routes. The field must be available in the external event table or feature class.

Measure Field

The name of the measure field if it is a point event or the name of the from measure field if it is a line event.

Geometry Type

Specifies the geometry type of the external event or table.

  • Point The geometry type of the event will be point. This is the default.
  • Line The geometry type of the event will be polyline.
To Measure Field

The name of the to measure field. A field is only required for line events.

From Date Field

The from date field in the event feature class or table.

To Date Field

The to date field in the event feature class or table.

Event Spans Routes

Specifies whether the event records will span routes.

  • As isThe property will not change. This is the default.
  • Do not span routesThe event records will not span routes. This is applicable to line events only.
  • Spans routes The event records will span routes. This is applicable to line events only.
To Route ID Field

The name of the to route ID field available in the event feature class or table.

Store Route Name

Specifies whether the route name will be stored with the event records.

  • As isThe property will not change. This is the default.
  • Do not store route nameThe route name will not be stored with the event records.
  • Store route nameThe route name will be stored with the event records.
Route Name Field

The route name field if it is a point event or line event that does not span routes, or the name of the from route name field if the event spans routes. The field must be available in the external event table or feature class.

To Route Name Field

The to route name field for line events that span routes. This parameter is required if the Store Route Name and Event Spans Routes parameters are set.

Calibrate Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule for the calibrate activity.

  • Stay put The geographic location of the event will be preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • RetireBoth measure and geographic location will be preserved; the event will be retired.
  • MoveThe measures of the event will be preserved; the geographic location may change.
Retire Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule for the retire activity.

  • Stay put The geographic location of the event will be preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • Retire Both measure and geographic location will be preserved; the event will be retired.
  • Move The measures of the event will be preserved; the geographic location may change.
Extend Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule for the extend activity.

  • Stay put The geographic location of the event will be preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • Retire Both measure and geographic location will be preserved; the event will be retired.
  • Move The measures of the event will be preserved; the geographic location may change.
Reassign Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule for the reassign activity.

  • Stay put The geographic location of the event will be preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • Retire Both measure and geographic location will be preserved; the event will be retired.
  • Move The measures of the event will be preserved; the geographic location may change.
  • Snap The geographic location of the event will be preserved by snapping the event to a concurrent route; measures may change.
Realign Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule for the realign activity.

  • Stay put The geographic location of the event will be preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • Retire Both measure and geographic location will be preserved; the event will be retired.
  • Move The measures of the event will be preserved; the geographic location may change.

Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Output External Event Table

The updated external event table.



Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Requiere ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Requiere ArcGIS Location Referencing

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