Delete Routes (Location Referencing)

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Disponible con licencia de Location Referencing.


Deletes routes and associated data elements from the LRS Network.


  • An LRS dataset is required to run this tool. To create an LRS dataset, add the calibration point, centerline, and redline layers to a feature dataset; then run the Modify LRS tool with the geodatabase as the input.

  • As part of deleting routes, the Delete Routes tool also does the following:

    • Delete all Centerline Sequence records that have the routeId of deleted routes.
    • Delete all records in the lrs_edit_log table related to deleted routes.
    • Optionally delete associated centerlines, calibration points, and events.

      Running Delete Routes without using Delete associated centerlines, Delete associated calibration points, and Delete associated events may result in those centerlines, calibration points, and events not referencing to any route.

  • The input must be a network feature class registered with an LRS Network.

  • Select routes that need to be deleted before running the tool. Selection on an LRS Network feature class can be performed using the Select tool or definition queries.

  • If no routes have been selected in the LRS Network feature class, the tool will fail.

  • Selected route records with the same routeId will be deleted across time.

  • If a route is selected in a Line Network, all routes in the same line are deleted across time.

  • If the Delete associated calibration points check box is checked, calibration points associated with the routes will be deleted across time.

  • If the Delete associated events check box is checked, all events registered with the network that have the same routeId of a deleted route will be deleted across time.

  • If the Delete associated centerlines check box is checked, centerlines associated with the selected routes will be deleted. If centerlines are shared between networks, those common centerlines will not be deleted.

  • It is recommended that you not run this tool on the default version of a database.

  • If Delete Routes is run in an edit session, the deleted routes can be undone.

  • Precaución:

    If the Delete Routes tool is run outside an edit session, the deleted routes cannot be undone.

  • In the case of routes that have a null routeId or lineId, the tool will run but records will not be deleted.

  • The Delete Routes tool cannot be run on network layers in ArcGIS Pro when a time filter is turned on.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Route Features

The route feature class registered with the network.

Feature Layer
Delete associated calibration points

Specifies whether calibration points associated with the deleted routes will be deleted.

  • Checked—Calibration points associated with the routes will be deleted.
  • Unchecked—Calibration points associated with the routes will not be deleted. This is the default.
Delete associated events

Specifies whether events associated with the deleted routes will be deleted.

  • Checked—Events associated with the routes will be deleted.
  • Unchecked—Events associated with the routes will not be deleted. This is the default.
Delete associated centerlines

Specifies whether centerlines that are exclusively associated with the deleted routes will be deleted.

  • Checked—Centerlines exclusively associated with the selected routes will be deleted. If centerlines are shared between networks, those common centerlines will not be deleted.
  • Unchecked—Centerlines will not be deleted. This is the default.

Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Updated Route Features

Updated LRS Network feature class.

Feature Layer
Output Results File

A text file that details the routes deleted from the LRS Network feature class.

Text File
Output Derived Route Features

The updated derived route feature layer.

Feature Layer


Casos especiales

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Requiere ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Requiere ArcGIS Location Referencing

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