Name: RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel Example
Description: This script demonstrates how to add new
points to a terrain with the DeleteTerrainPoints tool, then use
the ChangeTerrainReferenceScale and RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel to
to adjust the pyramids for reducing the amount of data stored for
providing an optimized display performance.
# Import system modules
import arcpy
# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set Local Variables
inTerrain = "sample.gdb/featuredataset/terrain"
targetPts = "mass_pts_embed"
AOI = "1379938.43267328 235633.08128634 1382756.00752135 237681.848838107"
# Execute DeleteTerrainPoints
arcpy.DeleteTerrainPoints_3d(inTerrain, targetPts, AOI)
arcpy.AddMessage("Changing the terrain reference scale...")
# Execute ChangeTerrainReferenceScale
arcpy.ChangeTerrainReferenceScale_3d(inTerrain, 500, 1000)
# Execute RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel
arcpy.RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel_3d(inTerrain, 4)