Generate Survey Report For Profile (Business Analyst)

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Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Displays characteristics from the consumer survey data for your target profile to determine customer lifestyle habits and preferences.


  • Generates a report for all the characteristics from the selected Survey Category parameter value.

  • The generated report is based on the Target Profile input compared to a base profile.

  • Reports can be sorted using the Sort Column parameter's Expected Number or Index options. Expected Number is based on counts—for example, number of adults—while Index is based on a rank.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Target Profile

A segmentation profile representing the segments to be analyzed. The target profile usually represents your customer segmentation profile.

Base Profile

A segmentation profile representing the base profile segments. This is the segmentation used for comparison. The base profile usually represents your market area segmentation profile.

Survey Category

A category that contains characteristics from the consumer survey.

Output Report Folder

The output location where the report will be saved.

Sort Column

Specifies the column to use to sort the report.

  • Expected NumberSort is based on counts—for example, number of adults. This is the default.
  • IndexSort is based on rank.
Sort Order

Specifies the order of the report, based on the sort column, in ascending or descending order.

  • AscendingSort in ascending order.
  • DescendingSort in descending order. This is the default.
Report Title

The title of the report.

Report Formats

The report output format. The default value is PDF. Additional available formats are XLSX, HTML, CSV, and PAGX.


Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Output Report

The output report file.


Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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