Quick Import (Data Interoperability)

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Disponible con una licencia de Data Interoperability.


Converts data in any format supported by the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension into feature classes.

The output is stored in a geodatabase. The geodatabase can then be used directly or further post-processing can be performed.


  • This tool is used to import nonnative data to the ArcGIS environment. The output usually requires additional processing before it can be integrated with existing data or formats.

  • This tool can be used as the first step in a model or script in the ArcGIS framework.

  • The feature classes that are generated depend on the input data. For instance, if you import two MapInfo MIF/MID files, two features classes will be created.

  • This tool honors the geoprocessing overwrite output setting.

  • When in ModelBuilder the feature classes that are generated in the output geodatabase can be accessed using the Select Data tool.

  • This tool creates a default output schema for the geodatabase that is created. If the output requires schema changes, then the Spatial ETL Tool should be used.

  • Bezier curves found in the input are maintained as Bezier curves in the output feature classes.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Dataset

The data to be imported.

Interop Source Dataset
Output Geodatabase

The output file geodatabase.



Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Data Interoperability
  • Standard: Requiere Data Interoperability
  • Advanced: Requiere Data Interoperability

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