
La documentación de ArcGIS 3.1 se ha archivadod y ha dejado de actualizarse. El contenido y los enlaces pueden estar obsoletos. Consulte la documentación más reciente.


Converts Result objects and result files (.rlt) to a Service Definition Draft file (.sddraft).


A draft service definition does not contain data. A draft service alone cannot be used to publish a service.


CreateGPSDDraft is the first step to automating the publishing of a geoprocessing result to a GIS server using ArcPy. The output created from CreateGPSDDraft is a Service Definition Draft file (.sddraft). A Service Definition Draft is the combination of a result file or Result object, information about the server, and a set of service properties. A Result object can be created in a Python script by setting a variable to a tool execution. For example, the following buffer result is saved to a variable called result:

import arcpy
result = arcpy.Buffer_analysis("inPts", "output.shp", "100 Meters")

Information about the server includes the server connection, server type being published to, type of service being published, metadata for the service (Item info), and data references (whether data is copied to the server).

The function returns a dictionary containing errors, warnings, and messages that you should address before creating the Service Definition file.

The Service Definition Draft must be converted to a fully consolidated Service Definition file (.sd) using the Stage Service tool. Staging compiles all the necessary information to successfully publish the GIS resource. If the data is not registered with the server, it will be added when the Service Definition Draft is staged. The Service Definition file can be uploaded and published as a GIS service to a specified GIS server using the Upload Service Definition tool. This step takes the Service Definition file and copies it to the server, extracts required information, and publishes the GIS resource. For more information, see An overview of the Publishing toolset.


If publishing to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 or earlier, set the number of the Staging Version when using Stage Service. For a full list of server numbers, refer to the explanation of the parameter.


CreateGPSDDraft (result, out_sddraft, service_name, {server_type}, {connection_file_path}, {copy_data_to_server}, {folder_name}, {summary}, {tags}, {executionType}, {resultMapServer}, {showMessages}, {maximumRecords}, {minInstances}, {maxInstances}, {maxUsageTime}, {maxWaitTime}, {maxIdleTime}, {capabilities}, {constantValues}, {choicelists})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

A reference to one or multiple Result objects or result files (.rlt) on disk. Multiple results must be supplied in a list format. The following example demonstrates multiple results as input to the CreateGPSDDraft function:

import arcpy
result1 = arcpy.analysis.Buffer("inPts", "output.shp", "100 Meters")
result2 ="FireStations")
arcpy.CreateGPSDDraft([result1, result2], "output.sddraft", "myservice")

A string that represents the path and file name for the output Service Definition Draft file (.sddraft).


A string that represents the name of the service. This is the name people will see and use to identify the service. The name can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. No spaces or special characters are allowed. The name cannot be more than 120 characters.


A string representing the server type. If a connection_file_path parameter value is not supplied, a server_type value must be provided. If a connection_file_path parameter value is supplied, the server_type value is taken from the connection file. In this case, you can choose FROM_CONNECTION_FILE or skip the parameter entirely.


MY_HOSTED_SERVICES is only available when creating .sddraft files from ArcGIS Pro.

  • ARCGIS_SERVERThe ArcGIS Server server type.
  • FROM_CONNECTION_FILEGets the server_type value as specified by the connection_file_path parameter.
  • MY_HOSTED_SERVICESCreates an .sddraft file to be published to the current portal.

(El valor predeterminado es ARCGIS_SERVER)


A string that represents the path and file name to the ArcGIS Server connection file (.ags).


A Boolean that indicates whether the data referenced in the result parameter will be copied to the server. The copy_data_to_server parameter is only used if the server_type value is ARCGIS_SERVER and the connection_file_path value isn't specified. If the connection_file_path value is specified, the server's registered data stores are used. For example, if the data in the result parameter is registered with the server, copy_data_to_server will always be False. Conversely, if the data in the result parameter is not registered with the server, copy_data_to_server will always be True.

  • FalseThe data will not be copied to the server. This is the default.
  • TrueThe data will be copied to the server.

(El valor predeterminado es False)


A string that represents the folder name where the service definition will be published. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. The default folder is the server root level.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


A string that represents the Item Description Summary.

Use this parameter to override the user interface summary or to provide a summary if one does not exist. The summary provided here will not be persisted in the map document.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


A string that represents the Item Description Tags.

Use this parameter to override the user interface tags or to provide tags if they do not exist. The tags provided here will not be persisted in the map document.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


Sincrónico y asíncrono definen cómo el cliente (la aplicación que utiliza la tarea) interactúa con el servidor y obtiene el resultado de la tarea. Cuando un servicio se establece en sincrónico, el cliente espera que la tarea finalice. Por lo general, una tarea sincrónica se ejecuta rápidamente, en cinco segundos o menos. Una tarea asíncrona generalmente tarda más tiempo en ejecutarse y el cliente debe preguntar periódicamente al servidor si la tarea no ha terminado y, si ha terminado, obtener el resultado. Una aplicación web con una tarea asíncrona debe tener lógica aplicada para verificar el estado de una tarea y manejar el resultado una vez que finalice la ejecución. Los clientes de ArcGIS Desktop manejan ambos tipos de ejecución de forma nativa.

(El valor predeterminado es Asynchronous)


When publishing a geoprocessing service, you can choose to view the result of all tasks with the service as a map (in addition to other results of the task). The map is created on the server using a Map Service for transport back to the client as an image (a .jpeg file, for example). The symbology, labeling, transparency, and all other properties of the returned map are the same as the settings of the output layer. If you are creating result layers in the Python scripting environment (outside ArcGIS Pro), default symbology will be used. To maintain control over symbology, precreate the layer files with symbology and use them to modify the output symbology of the task.

When you choose this option, a map service is automatically created on the server with the same name as the geoprocessing service.

(El valor predeterminado es False)


A string specifying the message level for the geoprocessing service. The following are the valid message levels the service will return to the client:

  • NoneNo geoprocessing messages will be returned to the client except those stating whether the execution succeeded or failed.
  • ErrorOnly tool messages that produce an error will be returned to the client.
  • WarningAll tool error and warning messages will be returned to the client.
  • InfoAll tool messages from execution will be returned to the client.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


El número máximo de resultados que el servicio puede devolver a un cliente. La configuración de este valor como un gran número significa que el servidor SIG puede manejar el envío de una gran cantidad de registros o entidades individuales al cliente. Si no desea devolver ninguna entidades, establezca este valor en 0 (cero). Por lo general, establezca este valor en cero sólo cuando habilite Ver resultado con un servicio de mapas.

(El valor predeterminado es 1000)


An integer value representing the minimum number of instances a service will start and make available for use. For heavily used services, you can increase this value.

(El valor predeterminado es 1)


An integer value representing the maximum number of instances a service can start and make available for use. For heavily used services, you can increase this value. Ensure that the server has adequate hardware to support the maximum number of instances you indicate.

(El valor predeterminado es 2)


La cantidad máxima de tiempo, en segundos, que un servicio se puede utilizar. Es posible que deba aumentar el valor predeterminado de 600 segundos (10 minutos) para tareas de geoprocesamiento que duren mucho tiempo. Alternativamente, puede ser necesario reducir este tiempo para garantizar que un cliente no abusará de sus servicios.

(El valor predeterminado es 600)


La cantidad máxima de tiempo, en segundos, que el cliente debe esperar para conectarse con una instancia antes de que caduque. Cuando todas las instancias están ocupados procesando solicitudes, las solicitudes posteriores están a la cola. Si este tiempo de inactividad se acaba antes de que esté disponible una instancia, la tarea fallará. El valor predeterminado es 60 segundos (1 minuto).

(El valor predeterminado es 60)


La cantidad máxima de tiempo, en segundos, que una instancia seguirá activa antes de que tenga lugar el acortamiento de grupo Cualquier instancia por encima de la cantidad mínima de instancias que no se han utilizado será cerrada unan vez que se haya terminado el valor máximo de inactividad.

(El valor predeterminado es 1800)


The capabilities a service can support. Currently, only UPLOADS is supported.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


A list of parameter names to be set as a constant. If multiple tools are included, parameter names must be qualified with the tool name, for example, ["toolX.parameterA", "toolY.parameterD"].

(El valor predeterminado es None)


The supported choice values for a string parameter using the service task name parameter and the list of the string values, for example, {"ServiceTaskName.parameterName":["string1", "string2"]}.

(El valor predeterminado es None)

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

Returns a dictionary of information messages, warnings, and errors.

Muestra de código

CreateGPSDDraft example 1: Publishing to a federated server

The following script demonstrates the complete publishing of a web tool to a federated server. Automating the publishing of web tools uses a combination of ArcPy functions and geoprocessing tools in the Publishing toolset. The workflow begins by executing a geoprocessing task that you want to publish. After you have successfully run the geoprocessing task, sign in to your portal to proceed. Then use the CreateGPSDDraft function to create a Service Definition Draft. Note that the Item Description, Summary, and Tags for the input geoprocessing result are overwritten using the summary and tags parameters. The function returns an analyzer dictionary that identifies issues that may prevent successful publishing. After resolving any serious issues, the Service Definition can be staged. Staging takes the Service Definition Draft and consolidates all the information needed to publish the service into a complete Service Definition. Use the Stage Service tool to stage the Service Definition. Finally, use the Upload Service Definition tool to upload the Service Definition to the portal and publish the web tool.

import arcpy

toolbox = "c:/gis/gp/MyAnalysisTools.tbx"
sddraft = "c:/gis/gp/drafts/AnalysisReport.sddraft"
sd = "c:/gis/gp/sd/"
portalurl = ""
portalusername = "username"
portalpassword = "password"
serverURL = ""
serviceName = "AnalysisReportService"

# Run the tool and set to a result object
result = arcpy.reports.MyCustomAnalysis("c:/gis/data/parcels.gdb/taxlots",
                                        "40", "MyOutput.pdf")

# Sign in Portal
arcpy.SignInToPortal(portalurl, portalusername, portalpassword)

# Create service definition draft and return analyzer messages
analyzeMessages = arcpy.CreateGPSDDraft(
    result, sddraft, serviceName, server_type="MY_HOSTED_SERVICES",
    copy_data_to_server=True, folder_name=None, 
    summary="Analysis Service", tags="gp", executionType="Synchronous",
    resultMapServer=False, showMessages="INFO", maximumRecords=5000,
    minInstances=2, maxInstances=3, maxUsageTime=100, maxWaitTime=10,

# Stage and upload the service if the sddraft analysis did not
# contain errors
if analyzeMessages['errors'] == {}:
    # The following is to run StageService for ArcGIS 11 Enterprise. If it is 
    # 10.9.1 server or older, need to provide staging version. For instance, 
    # the staging version for 10.9.1 server is 209.   
    arcpy.server.StageService(sddraft, sd)

    # Run UploadServiceDefinition
    # Use URL to a federated server
    arcpy.server.UploadServiceDefinition(sd, serverURL)
    # If the sddraft analysis contained errors, display them
CreateGPSDDraft example 2: Publishing to a stand-alone server

The following script demonstrates the complete process of publishing a geoprocessing service to a stand-alone server. The workflow is similar to publishing to a federated server, except you do not need to sign in to your portal. In addition, the parameter server type should be set to ARCGIS_SERVER, and a server connection file (.ags) must be provided for the CreateGPSDDraft function. The server connection file of the Upload Service Definition tool must also be provided with a server connection file. Ensure that the existing .ags file has server login credentials.

import arcpy

toolbox = "c:/gis/gp/MyAnalysisTools.tbx"
sddraft = "c:/gis/gp/drafts/AnalysisReport.sddraft"
sd = "c:/gis/gp/sd/"

serverconnectionfile = "c:/gis/gp/myserver.ags"
serviceName = "AnalysisReportService"

# Run the tool and set to a result object
result = arcpy.reports.MyCustomAnalysis("c:/gis/data/parcels.gdb/taxlots",
                                        "40", "MyOutput.pdf")

# Create service definition draft and returns analyzer messages
analyzeMessages = arcpy.CreateGPSDDraft(
    result, sddraft, serviceName, server_type="MY_HOSTED_SERVICES",  
    connection_file_path= serverconnectionfile,
    copy_data_to_server=True, folder_name=None, 
    summary="Analysis Service", tags="gp", executionType="Synchronous",
    resultMapServer=False, showMessages="INFO", maximumRecords=5000,
    minInstances=2, maxInstances=3, maxUsageTime=100, maxWaitTime=10,

# Stage and upload the service if the sddraft analysis did not
# contain errors
if analyzeMessages['errors'] == {}:
    # The following is to run StageService for ArcGIS 11 server. If it is 10.9.1 
    # server or older, need to provide staging version. For example, the staging 
    # version for 10.9.1 server is 209. 
    arcpy.server.StageService(sddraft, sd)

    # Run UploadServiceDefinition
    # Use URL to a federated server 
    arcpy.server.UploadServiceDefinition(sd, serverconnectionfile)
    # If the sddraft analysis contained errors, display them

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