The properties below are returned by the terminalConfigurations object when using Describe on a utility network.
Propiedad | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
creationTime (Sólo lectura) | The creation time of the terminal configuration. | String |
defaultConfiguration (Sólo lectura) | Of the valid terminal configurations available, this is the default path terminal configuration. | String |
terminalConfigurationID (Sólo lectura) | The ID of the terminal configuration. | Integer |
terminalConfigurationName (Sólo lectura) | The name of the terminal configuration. | String |
terminals (Sólo lectura) | The terminals object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the terminals. | Object |
traversabilityModel (Sólo lectura) | The traversability of the terminal configuration. The directionality can be either directional or bidirectional. | String |
validConfigurationPaths (Sólo lectura) | The validConfigurationPaths object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the valid terminal configuration paths. | Object |
Muestra de código
This stand-alone Python script prints a report of some utility network properties.
Description: This script reports the properties of a utility network
Created by: Esri
# Import required modules
import arcpy
# Describe function on a Utility Network
UN = "C:\\MyProject\\databaseConn.sde\\mygdb.USER1.Naperville\\mygdb.USER1.ElectricNetwork"
d = arcpy.Describe(UN)
# Terminal Configuration properties
termconfigs = d.terminalConfigurations
for tc in termconfigs:
print("*** - Terminal Configuration Properties - ***")
print(f"ID: {tc.terminalConfigurationId}")
print(f"Name: {tc.terminalConfigurationName}")
print(f"Traversability Model: {tc.traversabilityModel}")
print(f"Default Configuration: {tc.defaultConfiguration} \n")
# For each terminal in the terminals object:
for t in tc.terminals:
print(" -- Terminal Properties -- ")
print(f"Terminal ID: {t.terminalId}")
print(f"Terminal Name: {t.terminalName}")
print(f"Terminal Is Upstream: {t.isUpstreamTerminal} \n")
# For each configuration in the valid configuration paths object:
for lc in tc.validConfigurationPaths:
print(" - Configuration Properties - ")
print(f"Configuration Id: {}")
print(f"Configuration Name: {}")
print(f"Description: {lc.description} \n")
for tp in lc.terminalPaths:
print(f"From terminal id: {tp.fromTerminalId}")
print(f"To terminal id: {tp.toTerminalId}")
print(f"{} does not have any terminal paths \n")
print(f"{t.terminalName} does not have any valid configuration paths \n")