An overview of the Business Analyst toolbox

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Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.

La caja de herramientas de Business Analyst contiene un conjunto de herramientas que realizan operaciones de SIG que son cruciales para el análisis de mercado. Con las herramientas de esta caja de herramientas, puede realizar un informe demográfico, revisar las distribuciones de clientes y competidores, identificar las áreas comerciales principales y visualizar las variables de datos.



The Analysis toolset contains tools to evaluate demographic attributes of market areas, customer distributions, stores, and facility networks.


The Modeling toolset contains tools to generate market share and sales forecast model outputs based on the Huff model.


The Reports toolset contains tools that create and import reports and templates based on standard demographic or custom data. Use these tools for market ranking and geographic analysis, site location, customer distribution, and standard demographic reports.

Statistical Data Collections

The Statistical Data Collections toolset contains a tool to set how your data is apportioned, aggregated, and shared.

Suitability Analysis

The Suitability Analysis toolset contains a set of tools that allow you to identify the most suitable sites from a set of candidates, as defined by applying a set of individually weighted criteria.

Target Marketing

The Target Marketing toolset contains tools for creating customer and geographic profiles, target groups, and segmentation maps.

Trade Areas

The Trade Areas toolset contains tools to build trade areas. Trade areas are used to analyze market areas and can be constructed to satisfy a variety of methods, including customer and competitor locations, administrative boundaries, street networks and distance, and demographic factors.

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