An enumeration for the direction point type.
Propiedad | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
Event (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an event. | Integer |
EventBarrier (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a barrier event. | Integer |
EventBoundary (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a boundary event. | Integer |
EventLandmark (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a landmark event. | Integer |
EventRestrictionViolation (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a restriction violation event. | Integer |
EventTimeZone (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a time zone event. | Integer |
EventTraffic (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a traffic event. | Integer |
Header (Sólo lectura) | The header of the direction point type. | Integer |
ManeuverArrive (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an arrive maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverBearLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a bear left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverBearRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a bear right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverDepart (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a depart maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverDoor (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a door maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverElevator (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an elevator maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverElevatorDown (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an elevator down maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverElevatorUp (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an elevator up maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverEscalator (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an escalator maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverEscalatorUp (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an escalator up maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverEscalatorDown (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is an escalator down maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverFerryOff (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a ferry off maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverFerryOn (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a ferry on maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverForkCentral (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a fork central maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverForkLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a fork left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverForkRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a fork right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverPedestrianRamp (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a pedestrian ramp maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverRampLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a ramp left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverRampRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a ramp right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverRoundabout (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a roundabout maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverRoundAboutLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a roundabout left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverRoundAboutRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a roundabout right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverSharpLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a sharp left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverSharpRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a sharp right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverStairs (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a stairs maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverStairsDown (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a stairs down maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverStairsUp (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a stairs up maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverStraight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a straight maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverTurnLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a turn left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverTurnLeftLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a turn-left-left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverTurnLeftRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a turn-left-right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverTurnRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a turn right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverTurnRightLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a turn-right-left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverTurnRightRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a turn-right-right maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverUTurn (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a U-turn maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverUTurnLeft (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a U-turn left maneuver. | Integer |
ManeuverUTurnRight (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is a U-turn right maneuver. | Integer |
Unknown (Sólo lectura) | The direction point type is unknown. | Integer |