Calculate market penetration

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.

Market penetration is a comparison of your customers to the total market in a particular area. This comparison can be calculated using a variable, such as Total Population or Total Households.

Use the Calculate Market Penetration workflow

To calculate the proportion of your customers compared to the total market, do the following:

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  2. On the Toolboxes tab, in the Business Analyst Tools section, expand the Trade Areas toolset and click Calculate Market Penetration.

    The Calculate Market Penetration tool opens in the Geoprocessing pane.

  3. Choose the polygons that constitute your market by doing one of the following:
    • Use the Input Features drop-down menu to select content from the current map.
    • Click the Browse button to open the Input Features dialog box and choose an existing polygon layer from other projects or folders.

    The polygons must contain a numeric field that contains the base that will be used to calculate the market penetration, such as Total Population. For example, you can create ZIP Code polygons using the Generate Standard Geography Trade Areas workflow and then use the Enrich Layer workflow to add Total Population to each ZIP Code polygon.

  4. Use the Output Feature Class parameter to set the name and location of the polygon layer created.
  5. Use the ID Field drop-down menu to choose an identifying name for each area.
  6. Use the Market Penetration Base Field drop-down menu to select the demographic measurement you want to base the calculation on.

    Select the field from the Input Features layer that will be used as the base in the market penetration calculation. If your layer does not contain an appropriate base field, you can enrich the layer to add the field before performing the market penetration calculation. For example, you could add Total Households to your Input Features layer so you can calculate penetration of your customers per household.

  7. Choose the layer that contains the customers by doing one of the following:
    • Use the Input Customer Features drop-down menu to select content from the current map.
    • Click the Browse button to open the Input Customer Features dialog box and choose an existing point layer from other projects or folders.
  8. Optionally, choose the field that will best describe the polygons you create in the final layer using the Area Description Field drop-down menu.

    Choose a field that contains information that uniquely describes each polygon. You may want to open the pop-up for a polygon to assess which field is most appropriate, such as an address.

  9. Optionally, choose a field to weight the calculation with using the Customer Weight Field drop-down menu.

    The weight comes from the Input Customer Features layer. For example, you could use the sales for each customer so that they would be weighted based on how much each customer spent. If you do not set a weight, each customer is weighted equally.

  10. Optionally, check the Create Report check box. You can expand the Report Options section to optionally choose a title, save location, and format for the report.
  11. Optionally, expand the Trade Area Penetration section to choose fields that will associate input features and customers based on their attributes.
  12. Click Run Ejecutar.

    The map populates with a new layer displaying the market penetration. If you created a report, it is saved in the location you specified.

Geoprocessing tool

You can calculate market penetration and create a Market Penetration report using the Calculate Market Penetration tool. You can also use this geoprocessing tool to build and run queries through a Python script or a model.


You can create a Market Penetration Report, which provides additional information about customer penetration into the selected base.