Export to VPF from a geodatabase

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de ArcGIS Maritime.

The ArcGIS Maritime Export Geodatabase To VPF tool exports hydrographic data from Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) and Tactical Ocean Data (TOD) geodatabases to Vector Product Format (VPF).

Before exporting, the geodatabases must be named with the proper library names. The names must conform to one of the following naming conventions:

  • DNC—<scale category designator><region##><designator>
  • Browse—Browse<region##>
  • TOD—TOD<#><region##><designator>

The Export Geodatabase To VPF tool requires files that are included with the Maritime product files installation.

To export a geodatabases to VPF data, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or existing project.
  3. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools Herramientas.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  4. Click the Toolboxes tab, browse to Maritime Tools > VPF, and double-click Export Geodatabase To VPF.

    The Export Geodatabase To VPF tool appears in the Geoprocessing pane.

  5. Click the Browse button Examinar for the Source Geodatabase(s) parameter, and choose the geodatabases to export.

    The geodatabases must be in the same region and must be named with the proper library names. The source geodatabase determines the type of product to export.

  6. Provide the date to populate the NTM date metadata field for all of the exported libraries in the Notice to Mariners Date parameter.

    The date must conform to one of the following date formats:

    • DNC and TOD0—<2-digit week of year>/<2-digit year>
    • TOD2 and TOD4—<2-digit month of year>/<4-digit year>
  7. Click the Browse button Examinar for the Output Location parameter, and choose the location where the exported package will be written.
    Geoprocessing pane for Export Geodatabase To VPF tool
  8. Click Run.

    The DNC<##> or TOD<###> folders are created in the specified output location and include the exported libraries, a Database Header Table (DHT) file, and a Library Attribute Table (LAT) file.