Group Route Segments (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Aviation Charting.


Derives additional cumulative information such as the total distance of a route or route portion from individual segments to prepare data for charting.

This tool identifies routes and route portions in FAA and NGA ATSRoute data.

A route collection is an ordered set of ATSRoute segments from a NAVAID to a NAVAID. For each route collection identified, an entry will be stored in the EnrouteInformation stand-alone table with the total calculated distance of each group.

A route portion collection is a subset of an en route collection containing segments from a compulsory point to a compulsory point. A route portion can also go from a NAVAID or compulsory point to a NAVAID or compulsory point. For each route portion collection identified, an entry will be stored in the RoutePortion stand-alone table.


  • The tool requires the following feature classes, tables, and attributes:

    NameRequired fields

    ATSRoute—Feature class

    • EnrouteInformation_Id
    • StartPoint_Id
    • EndPoint_Id
    • RepATCStart_Code
    • RepATCEnd_Code

    EnrouteInformation—Stand-alone table

    • GFID
    • Distance_Val

    RoutePortion—Stand-alone table

    • GFID
    • EnrouteInformation_Id
    • Distance_Val
    • StartPoint_Id
    • EndPoint_Id

    DesigPoint_NavaidAssoc—Stand-alone table

    This is required to determine collocation of a designated point with a NAVAID.

    If required attributes are missing, an error occurs listing the dataset name and missing attributes.


    The ArcGIS Aviation Charting product files contain additional information about the AIS schemas that are available for download.

  • Precaución:

    Esta herramienta modifica los datos de entrada. Consulte Herramientas que modifican o actualizan los datos de entrada para obtener más información y estrategias para evitar cambios de datos no deseados.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Target ATS Route Features

The input feature class for the ATSRoute feature class that contains polylines. The Enrouteinformation_Id and the RoutePortion_Id attributes will be updated.

Feature Layer
Target Enrouteinformation Table

The table that will be updated to contain entries for the en routes identified during processing. The Distance_val attribute is set to the total length of the en route's segments.

The Distance_val attribute is updated and kept up to date on new and existing en routes.

Table View
Target RoutePortion Table

The table that will be updated to contain entries for the route portions identified during processing. The Distance_val attribute is set to the total length of the route portions' segments. The route portions' StartPoint_Id and EndPoint_Id attributes will also be updated to refer to the start and end point of a route portion.

Table View
Designated Point Navaid Association Table

The association table, DesigPoint_NavaidAssoc, that contains the relationships between designated points and NAVAID systems. The ATSRoute feature class's start and end designated point's GFID field will reference entries in this table. This table indicates whether a point is collocated with a NAVAID and helps determine the grouping of route segments.

Table View

Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Modified Target ATS Route Features

The target ATSRoute feature layer with updated fields.

Feature Layer
Modified Target Enrouteinformation Table

The target Enrouteinformation table with updated fields.

Table View
Modified Target RoutePortion Table

The target routeportion table with updated fields.

Table View


Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requiere ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Requiere ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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