Generate Customer Derived Trade Areas (Business Analyst)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Creates trade areas around stores based on the number of customers or volume attribute of each customer.


Generate Customer Derived Trade Areas tool illustration


  • The spatial reference of the output feature class will be the same as that of the store layer.

  • The Stores and Customers parameter values must both be point features.

  • Valid numeric values must be used when identifying a volumetric field to be used as a weighted value.

  • When the Method parameter is set to Threshold Drive Times, Overlap will be the only option available for the Dissolve Option parameter.

  • The trade area boundaries can be set to expand until they encompass user-prescribed customer counts or summed and weighted numeric values, such as sales.

  • Store-to-customer assignments are controlled during set up using a common, user-specified ID.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos

A point layer representing store or facility locations.

Feature Layer
Store ID Field

The unique ID field representing a store or facility location.


An input point layer representing customers or patrons.

Feature Layer
Associated Store ID Field

An ID field that will be used to assign individual customers to stores.

Output Feature Class

The output trade area feature class.

Feature Class

Specifies the type of customer-derived trade area that will be generated.

  • SimpleA generalized trade area based on the percentages of customers corresponding to each store will be generated.
  • AmoebaPoints representing the boundary of the polygon trade area will be connected using natural curvature.
  • DetailedPoints representing the boundary of the polygon trade area will be connected using straight lines.
  • Detailed with smoothingPoints representing the boundary of the polygon trade area will be connected with smoothed curves using cubic splines. This method takes into account the shape and pattern of the customer distributions. This is the default.
  • Threshold Rings Concentric rings that expand from input stores until they contain the specified threshold of customers will be generated.
  • Threshold Drive TimesPolygons that expand from stores along network routes until they contain the specified threshold of customers will be generated.
Radii (%)

The values that will be used to represent the percentage of customers, for example, total count or a customer attribute and total sales assigned to each store. Each value represents one trade area polygon.

Customer Aggregation Type

Specifies the type of aggregation that will be used.

  • CountPercentage-based trade areas will be calculated using the geographic locations of customers. This is the default.
  • WeightPercentage-based trade areas will be calculated using a customer attribute, for example, sales.
Customer Weight Field

The field that will be used to calculate the trade areas. This is based on either the number of customers (count) or the calculated weighted value assigned to each customer.

Exclude Outlying Customers

Specifies whether outlying customers will be excluded from the trade area generation.

  • Checked—Outlying customers will be excluded.
  • Unchecked—Outlying customers will not be excluded; all customers will be considered. This is the default.
Cut-off Distance

The distance beyond which customers will be considered outliers and excluded from consideration during trade area generation.

Linear Unit
Dissolve Option

Specifies whether polygons of the entire area will be created or the polygons will be split into individual features. When the Method parameter is set to Threshold Drive Times, the only available option is Overlap.

  • Overlap Output polygons will be generated in which each feature begins at zero and grows to satisfy the specified percentage of customers. For example, if you specify a trade area of 50 percent and 70 percent of customers, one polygon will be generated to include 0 to 50 percent and a second polygon will include all 0 to 70 percent of customers. This is the default.
  • Split Output polygons will be generated for individual features based on the specified percentage breaks. For example, if you specify a trade area of 50 percent and 70 percent of customers, one polygon will be generated to include 0 to 50 percent and a second polygon will include 50 to 70 percent of customers.
Use Customers Centroid for Trade Area Center

Specifies whether the centroid of your customer area will be used to calculate trade areas outward from this point.

  • Checked—The centroid of customer points will be used to calculate trade areas.
  • Unchecked—The centroid of customer points will not be used; store location will be used as the starting point to calculate trade areas. This is the default.
Distance Type

The method of travel that will be used to calculate the distance.

Distance Units

The units that will be used for the distance values.

Travel Direction

Specifies the direction of travel that will be used between stores and customers.

  • Toward StoresThe direction of travel will be from customers to stores. This is the default.
  • Away from StoresThe direction of travel will be from stores to customers.
Time of Day

The time and date that will be used when calculating distance.

Time Zone

Specifies the time zone that will be used for the Time of Day parameter.

  • Time Zone at LocationThe time zone in which the territories are located will be used. This is the default.
  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used.
Search Tolerance

The maximum distance that input points can be from the network. Points located beyond the search tolerance will be excluded from processing.

This parameter requires a distance value and units for the tolerance.

Linear Unit
Polygon Detail

Specifies the level of detail that will be used for the output drive time polygons.

  • Standard Polygons with a standard level of detail will be created. This is the default.
  • GeneralizedGeneralized polygons will be created using the hierarchy present in the network data source to produce results quickly.
  • High Polygons with a high level of detail will be created for applications in which precise results are important.
Iterations Limit

Restricts the number of drive times that can be used to find the optimal threshold limit.

Minimum Step

The minimum increment distance or time—for example, 1 mile or 1 minute—that will be used between iterations to expand until the threshold is reached.

Threshold Percent Difference

The maximum percentage difference between the target value and threshold value that will be used when determining the threshold drive time, for example, 5 percent. The default value is 5.


Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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