Generate SDCX Index (Business Analyst)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Creates an index for a Statistical Data Collection (SDCX). The index will improve performance when using the custom data in analysis tools such as Enrich Layer.


  • A Statistical Data Collection must exist before you can generate an index.

  • The index must be rebuilt if there are changes to the feature class that references the .sdcx file or if there are changes to the .sdcx file.

  • Three files, with the extensions .ppi, .ddi, and .pdi.prj, are created when the SDCX index is generated. These three files have the same name as the Input SDCX File parameter.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input SDCX File

The input Statistical Data Collection file (.sdcx).


Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Updated SDCX File

The updated SDCX index file.


Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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