Make Masks From Rules (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Production Mapping.


Creates polygon masks for features based on color rules.


A product file installer is available for ArcGIS Production Mapping and ArcGIS Defense Mapping. The product files contain predefined XML masking rule files that can be used for cartographic production.

Learn more about Defense Mapping product files and Production Mapping product files.


  • This tool will process the rule file and for each rule, identify the intersection of symbolized features based on the colors or symbol parts defined in the rule. It will create a masking polygon at the intersection of the symbolized features. The rule file allows for storing masks in multiple feature classes.

  • The color rules are defined in an .xml file. A rule specifies that symbolized features of a particular color be masked by a source feature that has a particular color.

    The following example rule is based on a map specification in which a mask will be created for any location where the outline of a black symbol (color of 0,0,0,100 CMYK) intersects a piece of black annotation.

            <!-- CMYK Feature Masks -->
            <Mask Size=".1" Units="Points" Type="Box"/>
            <Source SymbolPart="Text_Only" LayerType="AnnotationLayer"/>
            <Target SymbolPart="Outline_Only" LayerType="FeatureLayer"/>
                <Rule Name="FeatureMasks_Black_CMYK_1pt">
                    <Source Color="0,0,0,100"/>
                        <Target Color="0,0,0,100"/>
  • The size of the mask that will be generated is dependent on the map scale. Ensure that you have set an appropriate reference scale on the map or zoomed the map to the desired scale. The scale should match the scale of the output product to which the mask will be applied.

  • When creating masks for annotation layers, create the annotation at the same scale as the output product.

  • The projection of the map should match the projection of the output product to which the masks will be applied. If the mask features will be stored in an existing feature dataset, the coordinate system of the feature dataset should match the projection of the output product.

  • Ensure that the output feature dataset does not contain any data that the Input Map parameter value is using as a source, such as map layer data.

  • The MaskFeatureClass tag in the mask .xml file determines the name of the mask feature class that will be created. If a feature class with the same name already exists in the database chosen for the output feature dataset, the feature class will be deleted and re-created. Masks will not be appended to existing feature classes.

  • Masks will be created for all layers in the chosen map that have symbol parts that use the specified colors. To prevent masks from being created for a specific layer, add the name of the layer to the Target Exclusions tag.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Map

The map containing symbolized features.

Rule File

The .xml file containing rules that define how features will be masked based on colors and symbol parts.

Output Feature Dataset

The output feature dataset. The tool will create a feature dataset containing polygon feature classes that will be used for masking. The spatial reference for the feature dataset will be taken from the map for which masks are generated.

Feature Dataset


Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requiere Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Requiere Production Mapping

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