Frequently asked questions

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda

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What are the differences in drive times between Business Analyst Web App and ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro?

ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App uses the ArcGIS Online network analysis services and ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro uses either the network dataset provided by the locally installed data or the ArcGIS Online network analysis services. Depending on the data, the online services may have the most recent data, because it is updated more frequently.

Can I use my custom report or infographic templates that were created in Business Analyst Web App in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro?

Yes. Custom Business Analyst report and infographic templates can be authored and shared with others in your organization for use in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro or Business Analyst Web App (Build Reports and Build Infographics workflows). Access to ArcGIS Online or a Business Analyst Enterprise deployment is required.

Can I use my own data, including international data or Esri distributor data, in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro?

Yes. The Custom Data Setup workflow in Business Analyst Web App can be used to create, configure, and share custom data collections for use in ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. Access to ArcGIS Online or a Business Analyst Enterprise deployment, configured with an international data bundle for your region, is required.

What do I need to do to use infographics in ArcGIS Pro with a Business Analyst Enterprise implementation?

To use infographics in ArcGIS Pro with a Business Analyst Enterprise implementation, download and install the application files and publish infographic starter templates to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

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