Generate Airspace Areas (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de Aviation Charting.


Generates AirspaceArea features from Airspace features.

Overlapping three-dimensional Airspace features at various altitudes can be converted to two-dimensional AirspaceArea features. These converted features can be used as annotation to display the two-dimensional extent of an airspace on an aeronautical chart.


  • The Input Airspace Features parameter value must be from the Airspace feature class from the AIS geodatabase schema.

    Learn more about the Airspace feature class

  • The Target Airspace Area Features parameter value must be from the AirspaceArea feature class from the AIS geodatabase schema.

    Learn more about the AirspaceArea feature class


    You can use this tool to update, delete, and create features for this feature class.

  • The Vertical Limit Override Table parameter value must be the VerticalLimitOverride table from the AIS geodatabase schema.

    Learn more about the VerticalLimitOverride table

  • The Area of Interest Features polygon feature class is used to set a boundary within which airspace polygon features will be processed. Airspace polygon features that wholly or partially overlap the area of interest (AOI) will be processed.


    The tool will only honor Area of Interest Features parameter values that are currently selected on a feature layer. If no AOI is selected, the tool will run using all features in the Area of Interest Features parameter.

  • You can use a definition query on your AOI features to limit the number of features that are processed.

  • You must populate the Preference Table value before running this tool. These preferences will define how the tool generates airspace areas. After a preference is created, you can update the attributes as necessary. You can also create multiple preferences by assigning a unique name to each preference in the table.

    This tool uses preferences to define the following properties:

    • Airspace Type— Limits processing to specific airspace types
    • Attribute filter (optional)—Uses an expression to control which airspace features are processed
    • Spatial selection—Limits processing to features that overlap and exist between specified high and low flight levels

    When creating a preferences, you must have an AIS_AOI feature class in your map's table of contents.

    Learn more about creating preferences

  • Precaución:

    Esta herramienta modifica los datos de entrada. Consulte Herramientas que modifican o actualizan los datos de entrada para obtener más información y estrategias para evitar cambios de datos no deseados.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Airspace Features

The input Airspace features. These features adhere to the AIS geodatabase schema.

Feature Layer
Target Airspace Area Features

The target AirspaceArea feature class. These features adhere to the AIS geodatabase schema.

Feature Layer
Area of Interest Features

The area of interest boundary within which features will be processed.

Feature Layer
Preference Table

The table containing the specified preferences.

Table View

The preference derived from the Preference Table parameter that will be used to process the airspace features at the chosen altitudes.

Derived Airspace Parts

The feature class that will be updated with airspace features derived from the Input Airspace Features parameter.

The feature class that will be updated with airspace features derived from the in_airspace_features parameter.

Feature Layer
Vertical Limit Override Table

A table that overrides the vertical height values set in the preference table.

Table View

Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Updated Airspace Area Features

The updated AirspaceArea features.

Feature Layer


Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Requiere ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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