Create S-57 Exchange Set (Maritime)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda

Disponible con licencia de ArcGIS Maritime.


Allows a mariner to view the Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) datasets in an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) for shipboard navigation.

An exchange set is a package of files that contains one catalog file and at least one S-57 dataset file (New Edition [EN] and Revised Edition [ER]). Once you export and publish the S-57 data, you need to package the S-57 dataset files into a valid S-57 exchange set.


  • Validate the S-57 product and clear it for publishing before creating the exchange set.

  • This tool packages external files referenced by features in the following formats:

    • ENC—*.txt, *.jpg, and *.tif files
    • IENC—*.txt, *.jpg, *.tif, and *.xml files
    • AML—*.txt, *.tif, *.pdf, *.html, *.htm, .jpeg, *.jpg, *.avi, .mpeg, and *.mpg files
    • Additional file types can be configured for each product type in <install location>\Resources\Maritime\S57ISO8211.xml.

  • If an external file with the same name exists in multiple input folders, the one in the same folder as the S-57 product is given highest priority, followed by the order in which the folders appear in the input.

  • The LFIL File parameter provides a method to populate the long file description tag (LFIL) on the catalog directory field in the output exchange set. This is a text file with entries separated by new lines, conforming to the [File name pattern]|[Long file description] format.

    When a file contained in the exchange set matches the file name patterns, its long file description is populated with the text following the vertical bar character (|) on that line.

    The following are examples:

    • US5ESRI1.000|Navigable waters of Paradise Bay
    • US1Z*|General view of coast
    • US1ZABCD|North coast

    Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to match several files when pattern matching. A more specific name match will take precedence over a more generic match; for example, US1ZABCD is a better match than US1Z* for a cell named US1ZABCD.000.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Directories

Folders that contain at least one S-57 base cell (*.000) and, optionally, any of the following:

  • S-57 update datasets
  • README.txt file
  • Any referenced files in the S-57 cells (*.txt, *.tif, and *.jpg)

Output Directory

The location of an empty folder where the ENC_ROOT folder will be written. The folder must be empty for the tool to run successfully.

Layout Format

Specifies the directory and folder structure of the exchange set.

  • VERSION_LAYOUT The exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, ENC_ROOT\<Agency>\<ProductName>\<MajorEdition>\<MinorEdition>\<S57Product>, <Referenced Files>. This is the default.
  • PRODUCT_LAYOUTThe exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, ENC_ROOT\<ProductName>\<S57Product>, <Referenced Files>.
  • FLAT_LAYOUTThe exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, <S57Product(s)>, <Referenced Files>.
Updates Only

Specifies how S-57 update datasets in the input folder will be processed.

  • Checked—The output exchange set will include all the updates but not the S-57 base dataset. If there are no updates, the output will include the S-57 base dataset.
  • Unchecked—The output exchange set will include the S-57 base dataset and any update datasets. This is the default.

    An S-57 base dataset is required in the input folder when creating an update exchange set.


A text file that will be used to match file names in the output exchange set to the long file descriptions populated on the catalog file records.


Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
S-57 Exchange Set Directory

The location of an empty folder where the ENC_ROOT folder will be written.


Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requiere ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Requiere ArcGIS Maritime

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