Calculate Bridge Offsets (Topographic Production)

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Archivo de ayuda


Calculates the offsets necessary to properly display bridges at a given location.

Offsets can be calculated for either line or point bridge features. For a line bridge feature, an offset will be calculated for the width of a bridge based on the overpassing feature that runs through the bridge. For point bridges, offsets include the following:

  • The rotation angle of a bridge based on its overpassing feature
  • The position of the bridge if the original position is not coincident with the overpassing feature


  • This tool is meant to be used on topographic map data and requires a well-defined symbology for point and line bridges. This tool can also be used on culverts meeting the same criteria as bridges.

  • This tool should not be confused with the Create Overpass tool in the Cartography toolbox. The Create Overpass tool generates new bridge features at the intersection of other features; the Calculate Bridge Offsets tool symbolizes existing features.

  • The feature layer that contains the bridge features must have attribute-driven symbology enabled.

  • When a point feature class is used for Input Bridge Features, the following double fields are added:

    • CBO_OffsetX—Apply the offset along the x-axis.
    • CBO_OffsetY—Apply the offset along the y-axis.
    • CBO_Rotation—Apply the rotation of the feature symbology.

  • When a line feature class is used for Input Bridge Features, the following double field is added:

    • CBO_Offset—Apply the offset to line features.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Bridge Features

The feature layer that contains bridge features for which symbol offsets will be updated. Symbolize the bridge features layer with proper bridge features and enable attribute-driven symbology on it.

Overpassing Features

The feature layer that contains the features overpassing the bridges.

Reference Scale

The scale at which symbols appear at their intended size.

Search Distance

The distance, calculated in map units, by which this tool will buffer point bridge features when identifying the overpassing features. This parameter is only available for point bridges. The default is 0 meters.

Linear Unit
Expand to Markers

Specifies whether marker layers on overpassing symbols will be included when analyzing widths.

  • Checked—Marker layers on overpassing symbols will be included when analyzing widths.
  • Unchecked—Marker layers on overpassing symbols will not be included. This is the default.
Additional Offset

An offset added to the bridge width. The default is 0 points.

Linear Unit
Minimum Length

The minimum length of a line bridge. The default is 1.35 millimeters.

If the length of the bridge is less than the minimum length, it will be expanded to minimum length.

Linear Unit
Bridge Features Subtype

The subtype of the feature class from the Input Bridge Features parameter that will be modified by this operation.

Overpassing Features Subtype

The subtype of the feature class in the Overpassing Features parameter that will be used in this operation.


Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Updated Bridge Features

Bridge features that have been offset based on in_overpassing_features.



Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requiere Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Requiere Production Mapping

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