Calculate Metrics (Topographic Production)


Populates metrics for features in a geodatabase. Metrics include length, width, area, and elevation attributes.



    Esta herramienta modifica los datos de entrada. Consulte Herramientas que modifican o actualizan los datos de entrada para obtener más información y estrategias para evitar cambios de datos no deseados.

  • Supported feature attribute metrics include the following:

    • Length—The default attributes are LEG, LEN, LEN_, LGN, and LZN.
    • Width—The default attributes are WID, WID_, and WGP.
    • Area—The default attributes are ARA, ARE, and ARE_.
    • Angle of orientation—The default attributes are AOO, DOF, and FEO.
    • Elevation—The default attributes are ZV2 and ZVH (must be z-enabled data).

      Elevation metrics that the tool derives from a raster file specified for the Elevation Raster parameter value will overwrite existing elevation data.

    • Military Grid Reference System—The default attributes are MGRSValue and MGRS.

  • Input metric types are processed based on the geometry of the feature class:

    • Points—Elevation
    • Lines—Length and Elevation
    • Polygons—Length, Width, Area, Angle of Orientation, and Elevation

  • The Input Length Attributes, Input Width Attributes, Input Area Attributes, Input Angle of Orientation Attributes, and Input Elevation Attributes parameter values reference a comma-delimited list of field names in the data model. If one or more fields exist in the Input Features parameter value, the field will be calculated according to the metrics specified for the Input Metric Types parameter value.

  • You can add custom field names to the list of options in the Input Length Attributes, Input Width Attributes, Input Area Attributes, Input Angle of Orientation Attributes, and Input Elevation Attributes parameter values. This tool will attempt to compute metrics in a custom field.

  • This tool can calculate the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates for features using the standard precision formats as well as the format used for Image City Map (ICM) annotation features. For ICM format, the value is a combination of the column and row number in which the feature is located.

  • Licencia:

    The ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension allows this tool to rotate features such as springs and natural pools to face downhill. The ArcGIS Defense Mapping product data files include certain point feature layers with a CBO_Rotation attribute field that is set up to be updated by this tool using the Elevation Raster parameter value and specifying Angle of rotation for the Input Metric Types parameter value.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Input Features

The features for which metrics will be calculated.

Feature Layer
Input Metric Types

Specifies the types of metrics that will be calculated.


The Spatial Analyst extension is required when using an elevation raster and the Angle of orientation option to rotate point features so that they face downhill.

  • Angle of orientationAngle of orientation metrics will be calculated
  • AreaArea metrics will be calculated.
  • ElevationElevation metrics will be calculated.
  • LengthLength metrics will be calculated.
  • Military Grid Reference SystemMilitary Grid Reference System coordinates will be calculated.
  • WidthWidth metrics will be calculated.
Input Length Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the length metrics will be calculated. The default is LEG,LEN,LEN_,LGN,LZN. You can add the names of other length metric fields; if the fields exist in the Input Features value, they will be computed.

Input Width Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the width metrics will be calculated. The default is WID,WID_,WGP. You can add the names of other width metric fields; if the fields exist in the Input Features value, they will be computed.

Input Area Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the area metrics will be calculated. The default is ARA,ARE,ARE_. You can add the names of other area metric fields; if the fields exist in the Input Features value, they will be computed.

Input Angle of Orientation Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the angle of orientation metrics will be calculated. The default is AOO,DOF,FEO. You can add the names of other angle of orientation metric fields; if the fields exist in the Input Features value, they will be computed.

Input Elevation Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the elevation metrics will be calculated. The default is ZV2,ZVH. You can add the names of other elevation metric fields; if the fields exist in the Input Features value, they will be computed.

Input Floating Point Precision

The precision of the metrics written to the target attributes.

Input MGRS Attributes

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the MGRS coordinates will be calculated. The default is MGRSValue,MGRS. You can add the names of other MGRS fields; if the fields exist in the Input Features value, they will be computed. The fields must have a String field type and a field length greater than the largest possible MGRS coordinate value.

MGRS Precision

Specifies the precision of the coordinates that will be calculated for the target attributes.

  • 6×8 (4Q)The precision will be calculated at grid-level precision, typically the polygon formed by a 6-degree wide UTM zone and 8-degree high latitude bands.
  • 100km (4QFJ)The precision will be calculated at 100,000 meters squared.
  • 10km (4QFJ16)The precision will be calculated at 10,000 meters squared.
  • 1km (4QFJ1267)The precision will be calculated at 1,000 meters squared.
  • 100m (4QFJ123678)The precision will be calculated at 100 meters squared.
  • 10m (4QFJ12346789)The precision will be calculated at 10 meters squared.
  • 1m (4QFJ1234567890)The precision will be calculated at 1 meter squared.
  • Image City Map (1234)The precision will be calculated at the level of an Image City Map (ICM). This is the default.
Elevation Raster

The raster file from which the elevation metrics will be derived. Elevation metrics derived from a raster file specified here will overwrite existing elevation data.


The Spatial Analyst extension is required when using an elevation raster and the angle of orientation to rotate point features so that they face downhill.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer

Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Output Features

The features on which metrics were calculated.

Feature Layer

arcpy.topographic.CalculateMetrics(in_features, in_metric_types, {in_length_attributes}, {in_width_attributes}, {in_area_attributes}, {in_angle_attributes}, {in_elevation_attributes}, {in_precision}, {mgrs_attributes}, {mgrs_precision}, {elevation_raster})
NombreExplicaciónTipo de datos

The features for which metrics will be calculated.

Feature Layer

Specifies the types of metrics that will be calculated.


The Spatial Analyst extension is required when using an elevation raster and the ANGLE_OF_ORIENTATION option to rotate point features so that they face downhill.

  • ANGLE_OF_ORIENTATIONAngle of orientation metrics will be calculated
  • AREAArea metrics will be calculated.
  • ELEVATIONElevation metrics will be calculated.
  • LENGTHLength metrics will be calculated.
  • MGRSMilitary Grid Reference System coordinates will be calculated.
  • WIDTHWidth metrics will be calculated.

A comma-delimited string of field names from which the length metrics will be calculated. The default is LEG,LEN,LEN_,LGN,LZN. You can add the names of other length metric fields; if the fields exist in the in_features value, they will be computed.


A comma-delimited string of field names from which the width metrics will be calculated. The default is WID,WID_,WGP. You can add the names of other width metric fields; if the fields exist in the in_features value, they will be computed.


A comma-delimited string of field names from which the area metrics will be calculated. The default is ARA,ARE,ARE_. You can add the names of other area metric fields; if the fields exist in the in_features value, they will be computed.


A comma-delimited string of field names from which the angle of orientation metrics will be calculated. The default is AOO,DOF,FEO. You can add the names of other angle of orientation metric fields; if the fields exist in the in_features value, they will be computed.


A comma-delimited string of field names from which the elevation metrics will be calculated. The default is ZV2,ZVH. You can add the names of other elevation metric fields; if the fields exist in the in_features value, they will be computed.


The precision of the metrics written to the target attributes.


A comma-delimited string of field names from which the MGRS coordinates will be calculated. The default is MGRSValue,MGRS. You can add the names of other MGRS fields; if the fields exist in the in_features value, they will be computed. The fields must have a String field type and a field length greater than the largest possible MGRS coordinate value.


Specifies the precision of the coordinates that will be calculated for the target attributes.

  • 6x8 (4Q)The precision will be calculated at grid-level precision, typically the polygon formed by a 6-degree wide UTM zone and 8-degree high latitude bands.
  • 100km (4QFJ)The precision will be calculated at 100,000 meters squared.
  • 10km (4QFJ16)The precision will be calculated at 10,000 meters squared.
  • 1km (4QFJ1267)The precision will be calculated at 1,000 meters squared.
  • 100m (4QFJ123678)The precision will be calculated at 100 meters squared.
  • 10m (4QFJ12346789)The precision will be calculated at 10 meters squared.
  • 1m (4QFJ1234567890)The precision will be calculated at 1 meter squared.
  • Image City Map (1234)The precision will be calculated at the level of an Image City Map (ICM). This is the default.

The raster file from which the elevation metrics will be derived. Elevation metrics derived from a raster file specified here will overwrite existing elevation data.


The Spatial Analyst extension is required when using an elevation raster and the angle of orientation to rotate point features so that they face downhill.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer

Salida derivada

NombreExplicaciónTipo de datos

The features on which metrics were calculated.

Feature Layer

Muestra de código

CalculateMetrics example 1 (stand-alone script)

The following code sample calculates the width fields for polyline features in the attribute table.

# Name:
# Description: Calculating the width field for features in a polyline feature class

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting Local Variables
input_features = r'C:\Temp\Test.gdb\RiverLines'
field_name = 'WID'

# Creating feature layer
river_lines =, 'RiverLines').getOutput(0)

# Calculating WIDTH of input features on the WID field
arcpy.topographic.CalculateMetrics(river_lines, 'WIDTH', '#', field_name, '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#')

# Check In Extensions
CalculateMetrics example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following code sample iterates through the features in a database and calculates metric attributes.

# Name:
# Description: Iterates through the features in a database and calculates metric attributes

# Import System Modules
import arcpy
import string
import os

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting Local Variables
input_database = r'C:\Data\Sample.gdb'
raster = r'C:\Data\Monterey.dt2'

# Getting feature classes from database
arcpy.env.workspace = input_database
feature_classes = []
feature_datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets('*', 'Feature')
for dataset in feature_datasets:
    fclass = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*', '', dataset)
    for fc in fclass:
        feature_classes.append(os.path.join(input_database, dataset, fc))

# Converting feature classes into layers
layer_list = []
for feat_class in feature_classes:
    class_name = os.path.split(feat_class)[1], class_name)

# Creating string for input to Calculate Metrics Fields tool
feature_string = ''
for layer in layer_list:
    feature_string += '{};'.format(layer)

# Calculating Metric fields on all features classes in the input database
arcpy.topographic.CalculateMetrics(feature_string, metric_type, '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', raster)

# Check In Extensions

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Requiere Production Mapping
  • Advanced: Requiere Production Mapping

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