Work with maps and nearby panels

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Archivo de ayuda

Maps and nearby panels add location-based context to an infographic. Using these panel types, you can display information about point locations or geographic features near your sites.

Add a map panel

To add a map panel to an infographic template, start by selecting a basemap on which to display data. This basic map automatically shows the location of the site for which you run the infographic.

To add a map panel, do the following:

  1. In the infographic builder, click Add element. Alternatively, hover over an existing panel and click Add Agregar or Replace Reemplazar.
  2. Select Map Map.

    The Browse and select maps window appears.

  3. On the Basemaps tab, select a basemap for the panel.

    The map panel is added to the infographic template.

Customize a map panel

You can use the Panel options and Map properties windows to modify a map panel. You can also add elements to the panel, such as images or charts. To customize a map panel, do the following:

  1. Hover over a map panel and click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Panel options Opciones de panel and use the Background color swatch to select a color. Check the Crop content check box to limit the view of elements to the borders of the panel.
  3. Hover over the panel and click Edit map Editar. Check the Show map legend check box to turn the legend on or off. Use the Dimensions and Arrange & position sections to adjust the dimensions and position of the panel.
  4. Click Change map to select a different basemap or ArcGIS web map for the panel.
  5. To add an element to the panel, click Add element and select from the options.

    You can add a title, subtitle, image, shape, text box, variable indicator, chart, or map.

  6. When you are finished, click Apply.

Add a nearby panel

A nearby panel summarizes information about point locations near a site. You can show the locations as a table with attributes or as a summary infographic. For example, you can create a nearby panel showing hospitals near your site and display it in either format:

Nearby panels

Add a ready-to-use nearby panel

You can add a standard nearby panel to an infographic template. These ready-to-use panels allow you to select and display demographic and business categories included with ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. To add a ready-to-use nearby panel, do the following:

  1. In the infographic builder, click Add element. Alternatively, hover over an existing panel and click Add Agregar or Replace Reemplazar.
  2. Select Nearby Nearby.

    The Add nearby locations window appears.

  3. In the Add nearby locations window, hover over Nearby points of interest and click Select business type.
  4. Search for a business name or type, use the drop-down menu to browse business types, or select Add all points of interest to the nearby locations table and click Next.
  5. Format the display options for the panel:
    • Choose Show as table or Show as summary infographic.
    • Depending on which you select, customize the table's or summary infographic's appearance.
    • Check the Add the resulting nearby location points to the map check box to display the Nearby points on a map in the infographic. If a map panel has been added, the table is linked automatically to that map. If there is no map in the infographic, checking this box creates a new map panel.
  6. Click Apply.

    If you linked the nearby panel to a map panel and there is more than one map panel in the infographic, the Select map window appears.

  7. Click Add to select a map panel.

    The panel is added to the template.

Add a custom nearby panel

You can create your own nearby panel using Esri layers. To add a custom nearby panel to an infographic, do the following:

  1. In the infographic builder, click Add element. Alternatively, hover over an existing panel and click Add Agregar or Replace Reemplazar.
  2. Select Nearby Nearby.

    The Add nearby locations window appears.

  3. In the Add nearby locations window, click Use Esri layers.
  4. Select attributes to include in the nearby panel.

    Optionally, use the check boxes to deselect the attributes automatically included in nearby panels: Direction to site and Distance from site.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Optionally, filter the results using a keyword, such as coffee.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Format the display options for the panel:
    • Choose Show as table or Show as summary infographic.
    • Depending on which you select, customize the table's or summary infographic's appearance and calculation options.
    • Check the Add the resulting nearby location points to the map check box to display the nearby points on a map in the infographic. If a map panel has been added, the table is linked automatically to that map. If there is no map in the infographic, checking this box creates a new map panel.
  9. Click Apply.

    If you linked the nearby panel to a map panel and there is more than one map panel in the infographic, the Select map window appears.

  10. Click Add to select a map panel.

    The panel is added to the template.

Customize a nearby panel

You can use the More options window to modify a nearby panel. You can also modify the filters. To customize a nearby panel, do the following:

  1. Hover over a nearby panel and click Edit Editar.
  2. Click More options Opciones de panel to open the More options window.

    You can also open the More options window by hovering over a nearby table and clicking Edit table style and number of locations, or by hovering over a nearby summary infographic and clicking Edit infographic style.

  3. Edit the panel. Do any of the following:
    • For Nearby points of interest panels, click Edit business type to modify the businesses displayed.
    • Click Edit variables to modify the variables in the nearby panel.
    • Click Edit filters to modify the filters.
    • Customize the display style of the panel, including the number of locations shown, the title, and the format (including grouping, sorting, and ordering of results).
  4. When the panel is in edit mode, do any of the following:
    • Optionally, hover over the nearby panel and click Update attribute fields and filters. You can filter the results using a keyword, such as coffee.
    • If the panel is a premade Nearby points of interest panel, you can hover over the panel and click Change the business type to select another category.
    • Hover over the panel and click Switch to display as summary count or Switch to display as table to change the display style of the nearby panel.
    • If the panel was created from a layer, click View source layer info to open the layer information in a new tab.
  5. When you are finished customizing the nearby panel, click Apply.