Work with report items

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Archivo de ayuda

You can add items, such as charts and maps, to a report template. Adding items is possible in any viewing mode. It is recommended that you use edit mode, as it provides the most control over template modification.

Add a chart

You can add a chart to a report template. A chart displays selected data as bars, lines, or other symbols, depending on the chart style you choose. In Business Analyst reports, sets of data are called series. For chart styles that allow multiple series, you can group and organize variables in series.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select one of the following:
    • Chart—Insert a chart in the template composed of variables selected in the data browser.
    • Chart from selected—Insert a chart using the variables in selected cells in your template. This option is available only when cells with variables are selected in the template.
    • Chart in cell—Insert a chart in the selected cell. This option is available only when a cell is selected.
  3. Use the data browser to build or modify the chart. Drag variables to the builder panel.

    The panel automatically generates a preview of the chart. The first variable you add automatically becomes the chart's title. To edit the title of the chart, click it.

  4. When adding multiple variables to a chart, click Append to current series or Replace the current series. For chart styles that allow only one variable at a time, you can click Replace variable.
  5. Use the drop-down menu to select a chart style. The default style is Vertical bar chart.
  6. To modify the chart, click Chart options Editar or click a component in the chart. See Chart options for more information.
  7. To add a series in the chart, click Add series. To modify series, click Edit chart data. See Data series for more information.

    If the chart contains more than one series, select a series in the Current series drop-down menu. Variables are added to the currently selected series.

  8. When you are finished, click Apply.

Add an image

You can upload an image to a report template.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select one of the following:
    • Image floating—Insert an image in the selected section. Floating images can be manually resized and moved.
    • Image in cell—Insert an image in the selected cell.
  3. Select an image file on your computer.

    The image is added to the section or cell you selected.

  4. To change the image, hover over it and click Change image. To remove the image, select it and press the Delete key.

Add a map

To add a map to a report template, start by selecting a basemap on which to display data. This basic map automatically shows the location of the site for which you run the report.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select Map.

    The Browse and select maps window appears.

  3. On the Basemaps tab, select a basemap for the map.

    The map is added to the report template.

  4. To change the map, hover over it and click Change map.

Add a nearby locations table

A nearby locations table displays information about point locations near a site as a table with attributes.

Add a ready-to-use nearby locations table

You can add a standard nearby table to a report template. These ready-to-use tables allow you to select and display demographic and business categories included with ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro. To add a ready-to-use nearby table, do the following:

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select Nearby locations table.

    The Add nearby locations window appears.

  3. In the Add nearby locations window, hover over Nearby points of interest and click Select business type.
  4. Search for a business name or type, use the drop-down menu to browse business types, or select Add all points of interest to the nearby locations table and click Next.
  5. Format the display options for the table:
    • Customize the table's appearance by setting the maximum number of locations and the sorting method.
    • Check the Add the resulting nearby location points to the map check box to display the nearby points on a map in the report. If a map has been added, the table is linked automatically to that map. If there is no map in the report, checking this box creates a map.
  6. Click Apply.

    If you linked the nearby panel to a map and there is more than one map in the report, the Select map window appears.

  7. Click Add to select a map.

    The nearby table is added to the template.

Add a custom nearby locations table

You can create your own nearby table using Esri layers. To add a custom nearby table to a report, do the following:

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select Nearby locations table.

    The Add nearby locations window appears.

  3. In the Add nearby locations window, click Use Esri layers.
  4. Select attributes to include in the nearby table.

    Optionally, use the check boxes to deselect the attributes automatically included in nearby panels: Direction to site and Distance from site.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Optionally, filter the results using a keyword, such as coffee.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Format the display options for the table:
    • Customize the table's appearance by setting the maximum number of locations and the sorting method.
    • Check the Add the resulting nearby location points to the map check box to display the nearby points on a map in the report. If a map has been added, the table is linked automatically to that map. If there is no map in the report, checking this box creates a map.
  9. Click Apply.

    If you linked the nearby table to a map and there is more than one map in the report, the Select map window appears.

  10. Click Add to select a map.

    The table is added to the template.

Add a table

You can add a table to a report template. A table displays selected data in rows and columns.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select Table.
  3. In the Table properties window, use the Table type drop-down menu to select General data or Multi-feature table.

    General data tables display data for a single site. Multifeature tables display data for multiple sites, such as ring buffers around a point location.

  4. Use the row and column fields to specify the size of the table. Use the Position fields to specify the position of the table. For multifeature tables, the following options are also available:
    • Use the Fixed columns field to add columns for the variable name or description.
    • Use the Dynamic columns field to specify how many columns are assigned to each feature in the table. Each feature has the same number of dynamic columns.
    • Use the Feature count field to specify how many features the table contains.
  5. Click Apply.

    The table is added to the report template.

Add a text box

You can add a text box to a report template. Text boxes can display the text you write or you can use advanced editing to incorporate dynamic fields, such as variable values and site information.

  1. In the report builder, click Edit Editar.
  2. Click Insert item and, in the drop-down menu, select Text box.

    A text box is added to the report template.

  3. Click the text box and enter text. To format the text, see Edit cells.