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The AIXM51ExportDomains.json file defines the AIS to Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) domain mappings that will be applied during export for fields that require mapping. Fields that require mapping during export are the same fields that had domain mapping applied during the import process. The domain mappings defined in the AIXM51ExportDomains.json file are the reverse of the import domain mappings defined in the AIXM51WriterConfig.json file.

File format

The .json file structure is organized by AIS table names at the highest level. AIS field names are configured in AIS table names. Associated AIXM features are configured in AIS fields. Domain key and value mappings are defined in AIXM features.


It is recommended that you create backup copies of the outlined configuration files before editing them to avoid data loss.

Though not common, multiple domain mapping objects can be defined per AIXM feature. This occurs for AIXM features whose meaning changes based on its ancestors. Depending on the ancestors of a feature, a different domain mapping is used. In such cases, the aixm_ancestor_name attribute must be defined with the differentiating ancestor name. This allows the exporter to determine the correct domain mapping for a given feature name and ancestor. In all other cases, the aixm_ancestor_name attribute is * and there is only one domain mapping object per feature:

  "AIS_table_a": {
    "AIS_table_a.field": {
      "aixm:destination_feature_alpha": [
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "*",
          "domain": {
            "key1": "MAPPED VALUE a",
            "key2": "MAPPED VALUE b",
            "key3": "MAPPED VALUE c"
      "aixm:destination_feature_bravo": [
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "*",
          "domain": {
            "key4": "MAPPED VALUE d",
            "key5": "MAPPED VALUE e",
            "key6": "MAPPED VALUE f"

AIXM51ExportDomains sample

This AIXM51ExportDomains example shows three domain mappings. The first mapping is applied when exporting the adhp.abandoned_code AIS field to the aixm:abandoned destination feature. The second and third mappings are defined on the same aixm:operationalstatus AIXM feature but differentiated by the aixm_ancestor_name value. The third mapping is applied when exporting the availability.operationstatus_code AIS field to the aixm:operationalstatus destination feature, but only when the aixm:altimetersourcestatus ancestor exists above the destination AIXM feature. In this case, if availability.operationstatus_code is closed in AIS, CLSD_2 will be written to the aixm:operationalstatus destination feature:

  "adhp": {
    "adhp.abandoned_code": {
      "aixm:abandoned": [
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "*",
          "domain": {
            "0": "NO",
            "1": "YES",
            "2": "OTHER"
  "availability": {
    "availability.operationstatus_code": {
      "aixm:operationalstatus": [
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "aixm:airportheliportavailability",
          "domain": {
            "closed": "CLSD",
            "conditional": "COND",
            "normal": "OPEN",
            "other": "OTHER"
          "aixm_ancestor_name": "aixm:altimetersourcestatus",
          "domain": {
            "closed": "CLSD_2",
            "conditional": "COND_2",
            "normal": "OPEN_2",
            "other": "OTHER_2"

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