Disponible con licencia de Production Mapping.
The Topographic Production Service is deployed to ArcGIS Server when a map that contains feature data from ArcGIS Enterprise or a file geodatabase is published as a web layer. When publishing, you can configure operations in ArcGIS Pro to run on ArcGIS Server as described below. Once the service is available, you can configure settings for the self-serve Map Production System (MPS) web app that is included with the Enterprise product data files installer. The MPS web app can export map products.
The following actions are required before publishing the service:
- The Enterprise product files must be installed on each ArcGIS Server machine in an Enterprise deployment and correspond to the Enterprise release to which the service is published..
- The service stores temporary data for each job that is configured to run on ArcGIS Server. The default location for this data is C:\ProgramData\ESRI\TopographicProduction\jobs.
- The ArcGIS Server account must have read and write access to the jobs directory location and the location that contains digital elevation models (DEMs) that are used by the map.
- If the map products use DEMs, copy the DEMs or their mosaic datasets to each ArcGIS Server machine in your Enterprise deployment and use the productName and raster parameters in the updateProduct operation to specify the location of the DEMs. Ensure that all ArcGIS Server machines in a multimachine deployment and the ArcGIS Server account have read and write access to the location that contains the DEMs.
Output files that the service creates using the generateProduct operation are copied to the output directory of the map service.
You can make the Cleanup Interval property available if you edit service properties in ArcGIS Server Manager; it is infrequently used and unavailable by default. This property specifies the number of hours before temporary data used to produce a map product and the output map products themselves are deleted from the server. If you make it available, the default interval is 24 hours.
Enable capabilities
Ensure that you're signed in to the ArcGIS organization that the service will deploy to with an account that is licensed for ArcGIS Defense Mapping or ArcGIS Production Mapping before you complete the following steps to enable the Topographic Production Service capability.
- In ArcGIS Pro, click the Share tab.
- In the Share As group, click the
Web Layer drop-down arrow, and click Publish Web Layer.
The Share As Web Layer pane appears.
- Provide a name for the web layer in the Name text box.
- Si lo desea, complete los campos Resumen y Etiquetas.
Para compartir la escena web en un portal de ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 o un portal anterior, se requieren un resumen y etiquetas.
Puede introducir un máximo de 128 etiquetas.
- In the Data and Layer Type section, do one of the following:
- Under Reference registered data, choose Map Image to reference datasets in a registered Enterprise database.
Check the Feature check box to share the web feature layer as a dependent layer to the map image layer.
- Under Copy all data, choose Map Image to copy all the layers to the hosting server's managed database.
- Under Reference registered data, choose Map Image to reference datasets in a registered Enterprise database.
- En Ubicación, utilice el menú Carpeta para elegir una carpeta del contenido de su portal en la que almacenar la capa web. Opcionalmente, cree una carpeta.
De forma predeterminada, la capa web se almacena en el nivel raíz del contenido de su portal.
Haga clic en el botón Examinar
para ir a una carpeta del contenido de su portal. También se puede escribir el nombre de la carpeta en el cuadro de texto.
- Utilice los menús desplegables Servidor y carpeta para especificar el servidor federado en el que se publicará el servicio y la carpeta en la que se almacenará. Opcionalmente, cree una carpeta.
De forma predeterminada, el servicio se guarda en la carpeta raíz del servidor.
Las opciones Servidor y carpeta solo aparecen al compartir en ArcGIS Enterprise con la opción Referencia a datos registrados. En este caso, también puede hacer clic en el botón Data stores
para abrir el panel Administrar data stores registrados. Utilice este panel para registrar geodatabases y carpetas con servidores federados.
- En Nivel de uso compartido, especifique cómo se compartirá la capa web:
- Propietario: solo el propietario (y los miembros de su organización con privilegios para visualizar contenido propiedad de otros miembros) pueden acceder al elemento. Esta es la opción predeterminada.
- Organización: comparta su contenido con todos los usuarios autenticados de la organización. Esta opción está disponible si ha iniciado sesión con una cuenta de organización.
- Todos (público): comparta su contenido con el público. Cualquiera puede acceder a él y verlo.
- Si lo desea, en Grupos, seleccione los grupos en los que desea compartir su contenido con los miembros.
- Click the Configuration tab.
- Ensure that the Configure Layers tab
is active.
- In the Capabilities section, check the Topographic Production check box to enable the service.
Configure the service properties
To configure service operations and other service properties, complete the following steps:
- In the Capabilities section, for Topographic Production, click Configure Service Properties
The TopographicProductionServer Properties pane appears.
- Optionally, check any of the check boxes in the Operations section to enable or disable the service operations.
Topographic Production Service operations are enabled by default. The following operations are supported:
Retrieves the map products that the Topographic Production Service supports
Enables the query, cancel, and delete operations, as well as the job resource
Adds a map product definition that the service can use to generate a map
Removes a map product definition from the service
Updates an existing map product definition's properties
Automates the process of producing a layout or map based on a map product definition
- In the Properties section, specify the following properties:
- For tmserverDatabase, specify the path to an Enterprise spatial database engine (SDE) connection file.
This updates the location of the jobs directory, which is used to store temporary data for each job.
Your Enterprise organization must have read access to the location specified in the connection file and the database user must be able to perform data manipulation language (DML) statements in the database. All machines with multiple map services enabled must use the same .sde connection file.
If the server logs show an error such as -2147220893 Workspace or data source is read only when initializing the Topographic Production Server database, confirm that you are using an .sde connection file.
If ArcGIS Server is deployed as a single-machine site and you only have one map service enabled, leaving this blank automatically creates a file-based database at the following location after the service is published: C:\ProgramData\ESRI\TopographicProduction. This database cannot be used for multi-machine deployments or when working with more than one service.
Starting at the ArcGIS Enterprise 11.5 release, SQLite databases, or any other file-based databases, will not be supported. An SDE connection file configured to one of the following relational database management systems (RDBMS) will be required:
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Specify the type of map products the service will support in the productType text box, such as CTM, JOG, MTM, and TM.
Map product definitions have a type property. When you specify a value in the productType text box, only the products that match this value are returned by the service. For example, if a single service contains the Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) data to produce MTM products, specify MTM as the product type. You can specify more than one product type by separating product type values with a comma.
If you leave this text box blank, no products are returned.
- Specify how long in seconds the data extraction can run before timing out in the extractionTimeout text box.
The default is 900 seconds. If a data extraction time out error occurs when running the generateProduct operation, try increasing this value before running the operation again.
- Specify whether the service automatically updates existing map product definitions in the autoUpdateProducts text box.
The default is True.
- For tmserverDatabase, specify the path to an Enterprise spatial database engine (SDE) connection file.
- Optionally, click Configure Parameters
to configure more properties.
- Click Configure Pooling
- Ensure that the Dedicated instance option is chosen in the Instance Type group.
- Optionally, specify the range for the number of instances per machine in the Number of instances per machine section.
This is the minimum and maximum number of dedicated instances that can run for the service at any given time, including when the service is not in use. These are the instances that handle calls to the map service, as well as REST operations that don't consume many resources and are handled quickly.
Adjust the range of instances as necessary after monitoring the network traffic to these endpoints. The generateProduct operation uses the TopographicProductionSystemTools geoprocessing service to perform the work. Adjusting the range of instances of this service impacts the throughput of generating map products.
- Opcionalmente, haga clic en la pestaña Contenido para ver la carpeta, la nueva capa web y las subcapas con Id. asignados, si están disponibles.
Si ha habilitado la opción Permitir asignación de Id. numéricos únicos para compartir capas web en el cuadro de diálogo Propiedades del mapa, aparecerán los Id. asignados para cada subcapa. Para cambiar un Id., haga clic en el número situado junto a la capa o la tabla. En el cuadro de diálogo Propiedades de capa o Propiedades de tabla independiente, en la pestaña General, escriba un Id. entero personalizado en el cuadro de texto Id. de capa o Id. de tabla. Para obtener más información, consulte Asignar Id. de capa.
You're ready to analyze and publish the map as a service web layer.
Publish the service
Once you have configured all of the settings for the service, complete the following steps to analyze the configuration and publish it to your active Enterprise portal:
- Click Analyze to run a check for problems.
Errors and warnings are listed on the Messages tab. Right-click a message to open its help topic or take corrective action. Errors
must be resolved before you can share the web layer. Resolving warnings
is recommended but not required.
- After you have resolved errors and warnings, click Publish to share the web layer.
To save a service definition of the web layer to publish later, click the Publish drop-down arrow, and click Save As SD.
- When the web layer is finished publishing, click Manage the web layer at the bottom of the Share As Web Layer pane.
A browser page appears. Sign in to your portal to open the web layer's item page if necessary.
Once published, the service's operations are available in ArcGIS GIS Server from the API REST de ArcGIS and in a configured, self-serve Map Production System (MPS) web app on the Enterprise portal with the ArcGIS Defense Mapping or ArcGIS Production Mapping server extension.