U.S. 2023 Release 2 dataset

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Archivo de ayuda

The U.S. 2023 Release 2 Business Analyst dataset contains the second installment of the U.S. 2023 dataset. It includes all the content from Release 1, as well as additional variables outlined in the setup guide.

Setup guide

The instructions in Setup Guide: U.S. 2023 Release 2 dataset (PDF) provide information about the U.S. 2023 Release 2 Business Analyst dataset.

Data methodologies

Each dataset in Esri's data portfolio includes a methodology statement, which documents the provenance, vintage, and collection methods for the data.

For the U.S. 2023 Release 2 dataset, the following methodologies are relevant:

Business Analyst documents

In addition to the methodologies above, the following ancillary documents provide descriptions of terminology, variables, reports, and Tapestry Segmentation groups: