Color Coded Layer (Business Analyst)

Disponible con licencia de Business Analyst.


Creates multilevel, scale-dependent choropleth layers from a variable describing a business, demographic, consumer, or landscape characteristic.


Color Coded Layer tool illustration


  • The tool outputs a group layer containing scale-dependent administrative geography levels with a user-defined variable. By default, all levels and all features within each level are included in the group layer.

  • Local data or online data can be used to create a color coded layer. The data can be explored through the data browser.

  • The Area of Interest parameter defines the geographic extent of the analysis. The following also pertains to the area of interest:

    • It's only supported with local data.
    • The output creates a feature dataset.
    • If specified, administrative geography levels intersecting the area of interest that include more than 10,000 features are not included in the group layer.
    • If specified, it enables the Color Coded Group Layer symbology pane and ribbon contextual menu and supports additional settings and usability features outside of this tool.
  • When the Classification Method parameter is set to Auto, the following methods will be used for each variable type:

    Natural Breaks (Jenks)

    Count, Density



    Equal Interval

    Percent, Median, Index, Ratio, Rate, Per capita

  • Custom data (.sdcx file) variables only include the custom feature layer; multiple levels are not created.


EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Classification Variable

A variable that will display as a color-coded map.

Output Layer Name

The name of the color-coded layer that will be added to the map.

Classification Method

Specifies the method that will be used to calculate the class breaks.

  • Natural Breaks (Jenks)Natural breaks classes are based on natural groupings inherent in the data. Class breaks that best group similar values and that maximize the differences between classes will be identified. This is the default.
  • QuantileEach class will contain an equal number of features. A quantile classification is well suited to linearly distributed data.
  • Equal IntervalThe range of attribute values will be divided into equal-sized subranges. This allows you to specify the number of intervals, and will automatically determine the class breaks based on the value range.
  • Geometric IntervalClass breaks will be created based on class intervals that have a geometric series. The geometric coefficient in this classifier can change once (to its inverse) to optimize the class ranges.
  • AutoClassification methods will be automatically defined using the variable metadata. This presents the recommended thematic map style based on the data type.
Number of Classes

The number of data classification breaks that will appear on the map. The default value is 5.

Area of Interest

A feature layer that will be used to determine the geographic extent of the analysis.

Feature Layer
Output Geodatabase

The geodatabase in which the output feature dataset will be created.

Feature Dataset Name

The name of the feature dataset in the output geodatabase in which the color-coded layer feature classes will be created.


Salida derivada

EtiquetaExplicaciónTipo de datos
Output Layer

A container for the output layer.

Group Layer
Updated Feature Dataset

The new output feature dataset.

Feature Dataset, out_layer_name, classification_method, number_of_classes, {area_of_interest}, {out_dataset_path}, {out_dataset_name})
NombreExplicaciónTipo de datos

A variable that will display as a color-coded map.


The name of the color-coded layer that will be added to the map.


Specifies the method that will be used to calculate the class breaks.

  • NATURAL_BREAKSNatural breaks classes are based on natural groupings inherent in the data. Class breaks that best group similar values and that maximize the differences between classes will be identified. This is the default.
  • QUANTILEEach class will contain an equal number of features. A quantile classification is well suited to linearly distributed data.
  • EQUAL_INTERVALThe range of attribute values will be divided into equal-sized subranges. This allows you to specify the number of intervals, and will automatically determine the class breaks based on the value range.
  • GEOMETRIC_INTERVALClass breaks will be created based on class intervals that have a geometric series. The geometric coefficient in this classifier can change once (to its inverse) to optimize the class ranges.
  • AUTOClassification methods will be automatically defined using the variable metadata. This presents the recommended thematic map style based on the data type.

The number of data classification breaks that will appear on the map. The default value is 5.


A feature layer that will be used to determine the geographic extent of the analysis.

Feature Layer

The geodatabase in which the output feature dataset will be created.


The name of the feature dataset in the output geodatabase in which the color-coded layer feature classes will be created.


Salida derivada

NombreExplicaciónTipo de datos

A container for the output layer.

Group Layer

The new output feature dataset.

Feature Dataset

Muestra de código

ColorCodedLayer example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ColorCodedLayer function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.baDataSource = "ONLINE;US;""networth.mednw_cy", "CCL_NetWorth", "NATURAL_BREAKS", 5, "San_Francisco_County_BGs", "path to GDB", "SF_BGs)
ColorCodedLayer with Statistical Data Collection variable example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ColorCodedLayer function with Statistical Data Collection variables.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.baDataSource = "USA_ESRI_2018""c:\users\<User ID>\documents\arcgis\projects\my_project\bayarea_proprietarydata.sdcx/sales_s01_sales", "sales_s01_sales Layer", "NATURAL_BREAKS", 5)

Información de licenciamiento

  • Basic: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Standard: Requiere Business Analyst
  • Advanced: Requiere Business Analyst

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