Provides information about the live traffic information stored in the network dataset such as the streets—TMC join table and the path to the DTF files.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
tmcTableName (Lecture seule) | The name of the table that contains the relationship between streets and traffic messaging channel (TMC) codes. | String |
tmcFieldName (Lecture seule) | The name of the field within the Streets—TMC join table that contains the TMC codes. | String |
trafficFeedLocation (Lecture seule) | The source of the live traffic feed. This can be the path to a folder or a service where DTF files are stored; the network dataset reads the DTF files from the specified location to get the live traffic data. | String |
trafficFeedType (Lecture seule) | The type of live traffic feed. Choices include the following:
| String |
Exemple de code
Display a summary of the live traffic information for the network dataset.
# Name: NDSLiveTrafficDataProperties_ex01.py
# Description: Print live traffic information for the network dataset.
import arcpy
import sys
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/SanDiego.gdb/Transportation"
# Create Describe object for the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("Streets_ND")
#Get the historical traffic data object
if desc.supportsLiveTrafficData:
traffic = desc.liveTrafficData
#If the directions are not set for the network dataset, exit
print "No live traffic information"
print("Live Traffic Information ----")
print("TMC Table Name: " , traffic.tmcTableName)
print("TMC Field Name: " , traffic.tmcFieldName)
print("Traffic Feed: " , traffic.trafficFeedLocation)