The properties below are returned by the updateSubnetworkTraceConfiguration object when using Describe on a utility network.
These properties describe the trace configuration used when a subnetwork is updated.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
conditionBarriers (Lecture seule) | The conditionBarriers object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the condition barriers set for the trace configuration. | Object |
diagramTemplateName (Lecture seule) | The name of the diagram template name used for the trace configuration. | String |
domainNetworkName (Lecture seule) | The name of the domain network. | String |
filterBarriers (Lecture seule) | The filterBarriers object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the filter barriers set for the trace configuration. | Object |
filterBitsetNetworkAttributeName (Lecture seule) | The name of the network attribute that can be used to filter by bitset. | String |
filterFunctionBarriers (Lecture seule) | The filterFunctionBarriers object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the filter function barriers set for the trace configuration. | Object |
filterScope (Lecture seule) | The traversability that is enforced for a specific category. For example, both junctions and edges, junctions only, or edges only. | String |
functionBarriers (Lecture seule) | The functionBarriers object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the function barriers set for the trace configuration. | Object |
functions (Lecture seule) | The functions object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the functions set for the trace configuration. | Object |
includeBarriers (Lecture seule) | Whether or not the trace is configured to include barrier features in the trace results.
| Boolean |
includeContainers (Lecture seule) | Whether or not the trace is configured to include container features in the trace results.
| Boolean |
includeContent (Lecture seule) | Whether or not the trace is configured to include content in containers in the trace results.
| Boolean |
includeStructures (Lecture seule) | Whether or not the trace is configured to include structure features in the trace results.
| Boolean |
nearestNeighbor (Lecture seule) | The nearestNeighbor object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the nearest neighbor set for the trace configuration. | Object |
outputConditions (Lecture seule) | The outputConditions object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the output conditions set for the trace configuration. | Object |
outputFilters (Lecture seule) | The outputFilters object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the output filters set for the trace configuration. | Object |
propagators (Lecture seule) | The propagators object. This object can be used to retrieve properties of the propagators set for the trace configuration. | Object |
shortestPathNetworkAttributeName (Lecture seule) | The name of the network attribute used to calculate the shortest path. | String |
targetTierName (Lecture seule) | The name of the target tier for which the starting tier flows toward. | String |
tierName (Lecture seule) | The name of the tier to start the trace. | String |
traversabilityScope (Lecture seule) | The traversability that is enforced. For example, both junctions and edges, junctions only, or edges only. | String |
validateConsistency (Lecture seule) | Whether or not the trace is configured to validate consistency in trace results.
| Boolean |