In a Python toolbox, the parameter's datatype property is set using the Parameter class in the getParameterInfo method.
def getParameterInfo(self):
#Define parameter definitions
# First parameter
param0 = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Input workspace",
Composite data types
Occasionally, the need arises for a parameter to accept multiple data types, often referred to as a composite data type. In a Python toolbox, composite data types are defined by assigning a list of data types to the parameter's datatype property. In the example below, a parameter is defined that accepts a Raster dataset or a Raster catalog.
def getParameterInfo(self):
#Define parameter definitions
# First parameter
param0 = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Input Raster Dataset",
datatype=["DERasterDataset", "DERasterCatalog"],
Data types
Data type | datatype keyword | Description |
Address Locator | DEAddressLocator | A dataset used for geocoding that stores the address attributes, associated indexes, and rules that define the process for translating nonspatial descriptions of places to spatial data. |
Address Locator Style | GPAddressLocatorStyle | A template on which to base the new address locator. |
Analysis Cell Size | analysis_cell_size | The cell size used by raster tools. |
Any Value | GPType | A data type that accepts any value. |
ArcMap Document | DEMapDocument | A file that contains one map, its layout, and its associated layers, tables, charts, and reports. |
Areal Unit | GPArealUnit | An areal unit type and value, such as square meter or acre. |
Boolean | GPBoolean | A Boolean value. |
CAD Drawing Dataset | DECadDrawingDataset | A vector data source mixed with feature types and symbology. The dataset is not usable for feature class-based queries or analysis. |
Calculator Expression | GPCalculatorExpression | A calculator expression. |
Catalog Root | DECatalogRoot | The top-level node in the Catalog tree. |
Cell Size | GPSACellSize | The cell size used by the Extension ArcGIS Spatial Analyst. |
Cell Size XY | GPCellSizeXY | Defines the two sides of a raster cell. |
Composite Layer | GPCompositeLayer | A reference to several children layers, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Compression | GPSAGDBEnvCompression | Specifies the type of compression used for a raster. |
Coordinate System | GPCoordinateSystem | A reference framework, such as the UTM system consisting of a set of points, lines, and/or surfaces, and a set of rules used to define the positions of points in two- and three-dimensional space. |
Coordinate Systems Folder | DESpatialReferencesFolder | A folder on disk storing coordinate systems. |
Coverage | DECoverage | A coverage dataset, a proprietary data model for storing geographic features as points, arcs, and polygons with associated feature attribute tables. |
Coverage Feature Class | DECoverageFeatureClasses | A coverage feature class, such as point, arc, node, route, route system, section, polygon, and region. |
Data Element | DEType | A dataset visible in ArcCatalog. |
Data File | GPDataFile | A data file. |
Database Connections | DERemoteDatabaseFolder | The database connection folder in ArcCatalog. |
Dataset | DEDatasetType | A collection of related data, usually grouped or stored together. |
Date | GPDate | A date value. |
dBASE Table | DEDbaseTable | Attribute data stored in dBASE format. |
Decimate | GP3DADecimate | Specifies a subset of nodes of a TIN to create a generalized version of that TIN. |
Diagram Layer | GPDiagramLayer | A diagram layer. |
Disk Connection | DEDiskConnection | An access path to a data storage device. |
Double | GPDouble | Any floating-point number stored as a double precision, 64-bit value. |
Encrypted String | GPEncryptedString | Encrypted string for passwords. |
Envelope | GPEnvelope | The coordinate pairs that define the minimum bounding rectangle in which the data source falls. |
Evaluation Scale | GPEvaluationScale | The scale value range and increment value applied to inputs in a weighted overlay operation. |
Extent | GPExtent | Specifies the coordinate pairs that define the minimum bounding rectangle (xmin, ymin and xmax, ymax) of a data source. All coordinates for the data source fall in this boundary. |
Extract Values | GPSAExtractValues | An extract values parameter. |
Feature Class | DEFeatureClass | A collection of spatial data with the same shape type: point, multipoint, polyline, and polygon. |
Feature Dataset | DEFeatureDataset | A collection of feature classes that share a common geographic area and the same spatial reference system. |
Feature Layer | GPFeatureLayer | A reference to a feature class, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Feature Set | GPFeatureRecordSetLayer | Interactive features that draw the features when the tool is run. |
Field | Field | A column in a table that stores the values for a single attribute. |
Field Info | GPFieldInfo | The details about a field in a FieldMap. |
Field Mappings | GPFieldMapping | A collection of fields in one or more input tables. |
File | DEFile | A file on disk. |
Folder | DEFolder | Specifies a location on disk where data is stored. |
Formulated Raster | GPRasterFormulated | A raster surface whose cell values are represented by a formula or constant. |
Fuzzy function | GPSAFuzzyFunction | Specifies the algorithm used in fuzzification of an input raster. |
Geodataset | DEGeodatasetType | A collection of data with a common theme in a geodatabase. |
GeoDataServer | DEGeoDataServer | A coarse-grained object that references a geodatabase. |
Geometric Network | DEGeometricNetwork | A linear network represented by topologically connected edge and junction features. Feature connectivity is based on their geometric coincidence. |
Geostatistical Layer | GPGALayer | A reference to a geostatistical data source, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Geostatistical Search Neighborhood | GPGASearchNeighborhood | Defines the searching neighborhood parameters for a geostatistical layer. |
Geostatistical Value Table | GPGAValueTable | A collection of data sources and fields that define a geostatistical layer. |
GlobeServer | DEGlobeServer | A Globe server. |
GPServer | DEGPServer | A geoprocessing server. |
Graph | GPGraph | A graph. |
Graph Data Table | GPGraphDataTable | A graph data table. |
Group Layer | GPGroupLayer | A collection of layers that appear and act as a single layer. Group layers make it easier to organize a map, assign advanced drawing order options, and share layers for use in other maps. |
Horizontal Factor | GPSAHorizontalFactor | The relationship between the horizontal cost factor and the horizontal relative moving angle. |
Image Service | DEImageServer | An image service. |
Index | Index | A data structure used to speed the search for records in geographic datasets and databases. |
INFO Expression | GPINFOExpression | A syntax for defining and manipulating data in an INFO table. |
INFO Item | GPArcInfoItem | An item in an INFO table. |
INFO Table | DEArcInfoTable | A table in an INFO database. |
Internet Tiled Layer | GPInternetTiledLayer | An internet tiled layer. |
KML Layer | GPKMLLayer | A KML layer. |
LAS Dataset | DELasDataset | A LAS dataset stores reference to one or more LAS files on disk as well as to additional surface features. A LAS file is a binary file that stores airborne lidar data. |
LAS Dataset Layer | GPLasDatasetLayer | A layer that references a LAS dataset on disk. This layer can apply filters on lidar files and surface constraints referenced by a LAS dataset. |
Layer | GPLayer | A reference to a data source, such as a shapefile, coverage, geodatabase feature class, or raster, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Layer File | DELayer | A layer file stores a layer definition, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Line | GPLine | A shape, straight or curved, defined by a connected series of unique x,y-coordinate pairs. |
Linear Unit | GPLinearUnit | A linear unit type and value such as meter or feet. |
Long | GPLong | An integer number value. |
M Domain | GPMDomain | A range of lowest and highest possible value for m-coordinates. |
Map | GPMap | An ArcGIS Pro map. |
MapServer | DEMapServer | A map server. |
Map Server Layer | GPMapServerLayer | A map server layer. |
Mosaic Dataset | DEMosaicDataset | A collection of raster and image data that allows you to store, view, and query the data. It is a data model in the geodatabase used to manage a collection of raster datasets (images) stored as a catalog and viewed as a mosaicked image. |
Mosaic Layer | GPMosaicLayer | A layer that references a mosaic dataset. |
Neighborhood | GPSANeighborhood | The shape of the area around each cell used to calculate statistics. |
Network Analyst Class FieldMap | NAClassFieldMap | Mapping between location properties in a Network Analyst layer (such as stops, facilities, and incidents) and a point feature class. |
Network Analyst Hierarchy Settings | GPNAHierarchySettings | A hierarchy attribute that divides hierarchy values of a network dataset into three groups using two integers. The first integer sets the ending value of the first group; the second number sets the beginning value of the third group. |
Network Analyst Layer | GPNALayer | A special group layer used to express and solve network routing problems. Each sublayer held in memory in a Network Analyst layer represents some aspect of the routing problem and the routing solution. |
Network Data Source | GPNetworkDataSource | A network data source can be a local dataset specified either using its catalog path or a layer from a map, or it can be a URL to a portal. |
Network Dataset | DENetworkDataset | A collection of topologically connected network elements (edges, junctions, and turns), derived from network sources and associated with a collection of network attributes. |
Network Dataset Layer | GPNetworkDatasetLayer | A reference to a network dataset, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Network Travel Mode | NetworkTravelMode | A dictionary of travel mode objects. |
Parcel Fabric For ArcMap | DECadastralFabric | A parcel fabric is a dataset for the storage, maintenance, and editing of a continuous surface of connected parcels or parcel network. |
Parcel Fabric Layer | GPCadastralFabricLayer | A layer referencing a parcel fabric on disk. This layer works as a group layer organizing a set of related layers under a single layer. |
Point | GPPoint | A pair of x,y-coordinates. |
Polygon | GPPolygon | A connected sequence of x,y-coordinate pairs, where the first and last coordinate pair are the same. |
Projection File | DEPrjFile | A file storing coordinate system information for spatial data. |
Pyramid | GPSAGDBEnvPyramid | Specifies if pyramids are built. |
Radius | GPSARadius | Specifies which surrounding points are used for interpolation. |
Random Number Generator | GPRandomNumberGenerator | Specifies the seed and the generator to use when creating random values. |
Raster Band | DERasterBand | A layer in a raster dataset. |
Raster Calculator Expression | GPRasterCalculatorExpression | A raster calculator expression. |
Raster Catalog | DERasterCatalog | A collection of raster datasets defined in a table. Each table record defines an individual raster dataset in the catalog. |
Raster Catalog Layer | GPRasterCatalogLayer | A reference to a raster catalog, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Raster Data Layer | GPRasterDataLayer | A raster data layer. |
Raster Dataset | DERasterDataset | A single dataset built from one or more rasters. |
Raster Layer | GPRasterLayer | A reference to a raster, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Raster Statistics | GPSAGDBEnvStatistics | Specifies if raster statistics build. |
Raster Type | GPRasterBuilder | Raster data is added to a mosaic dataset by specifying a raster type. The raster type identifies metadata, such as georeferencing, acquisition date, and sensor type, with a raster format. |
Record Set | GPRecordSet | Interactive table; type in the table values when the tool is run. |
Relationship Class | DERelationshipClass | The details about the relationship between objects in the geodatabase. |
Remap | GPSARemap | A table that defines how raster cell values are reclassified. |
Route Measure Event Properties | GPRouteMeasureEventProperties | Specifies the fields on a table that describe events measured by a linear reference route system. |
Scene Service Layer | GPSceneServiceLayer | A scene service layer. |
Schematic Dataset | DESchematicDataset | A schematic dataset contains a collection of schematic diagram templates and schematic feature classes that share the same application domain, for example, water or electrical. |
Schematic Diagram | DESchematicDiagram | A schematic diagram. |
Schematic Diagram Class | DESchematicDiagramClass | A schematic diagram class. |
Schematic Folder | DESchematicFolder | A schematic folder. |
Schematic Layer | GPSchematicLayer | A schematic layer is a composite layer composed of feature layers based on the schematic feature classes associated with the template on which the schematic diagram is based. |
SemiVariogram | GPSASemiVariogram | Specifies the distance and direction representing two locations used to quantify autocorrelation. |
ServerConnection | DEServerConnection | A server connection. |
Shapefile | DEShapefile | Spatial data in a shapefile format. |
Spatial Reference | GPSpatialReference | The coordinate system used to store a spatial dataset, including the spatial domain. |
SQL Expression | GPSQLExpression | A syntax for defining and manipulating data from a relational database. |
String | GPString | A text value. |
String Hidden | GPStringHidden | A string that is masked by * characters. Remarque :The text is not encrypted when used in scripting. |
Table | DETable | Tabular data. |
Table View | GPTableView | A representation of tabular data for viewing and editing purposes, stored in memory or on disk. |
Terrain Layer | GPTerrainLayer | A reference to a terrain, including symbology and rendering properties. It’s used to draw a terrain. |
Text File | DETextfile | A text file. |
Tile Size | GPSAGDBEnvTileSize | Specifies the width and the height of data stored in block. |
Time configuration | GPSATimeConfiguration | Specifies the time periods used for calculating solar radiation at specific locations. |
Time Unit | GPTimeUnit | A time unit type and value such as minutes or hours. |
TIN | DETin | A vector data structure that partitions geographic space into contiguous, nonoverlapping triangles. The vertices of each triangle are sample data points with x-, y-, and z-values. |
Tin Layer | GPTinLayer | A reference to a TIN, including topological relationships, symbology, and rendering properties. |
Tool | DETool | A geoprocessing tool. |
Toolbox | DEToolbox | A geoprocessing toolbox. |
Topo Features | GPSATopoFeatures | Features that are input to the interpolation. |
Topology | DETopology | A topology that defines and enforces data integrity rules for spatial data. |
Topology Layer | GPTopologyLayer | A reference to a topology, including symbology and rendering properties. |
Transformation Function | GPSATransformationFunction | A Spatial Analyst transformation function. |
Utility Network | DEUtilityNetwork | A utility network. |
Utility Network Layer | GPUtilityNetworkLayer | A utility network layer. |
GPValueTable | A collection of columns of values. | |
Variant | GPVariant | A data value that can contain any basic type: Boolean, date, double, long, and string. |
Vector Tile Layer | GPVectorLayer | A vector tile layer. |
Vertical Factor | GPSAVerticalFactor | Specifies the relationship between the vertical cost factor and the vertical, relative moving angle. |
VPF Coverage | DEVPFCoverage | Spatial data stored in Vector Product Format. |
VPF Table | DEVPFTable | Attribute data stored in Vector Product Format. |
WCS Coverage | DEWCSCoverage | Web Coverage Service (WCS) is an open specification for sharing raster datasets on the web. |
Weighted Overlay Table | GPSAWeightedOverlayTable | A table with data to combine multiple rasters by applying a common measurement scale of values to each raster, weighing each according to its importance. |
Weighted Sum | GPSAWeightedSum | Specifies data for overlaying several rasters, each multiplied by their given weight and summed. |
WMS Map | DEWMSMap | A WMS map. |
Workspace | DEWorkspace | A container such as a geodatabase or folder. |
XY Domain | GPXYDomain | A range of lowest and highest possible values for x,y-coordinates. |
Z Domain | GPZDomain | A range of lowest and highest possible values for z-coordinates. |