Edit multispectral and panchromatic pixels

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You can use Pixel Editor to edit multispectral and panchromatic imagery. The operations that can be applied are mainly related to obscuring the pixels: Blur Flou, Pixelate Pixelliser, Redact Éditer, and Set NoData Définir NoData.

The Capture group contains the Copy Region Copier la région and Replace Region Remplacer la région tools. These tools copy or replace pixels from the same dataset or from a different dataset in the map. If using another dataset within the map, use the Source Layer drop-down list to set the correct map layer to use; this layer must have the same bit depth as the raster being edited. The target layer is always the raster dataset that you are editing.

Use the Region and Region Mode tools to create a region, or edit an existing region. Then choose the operation you want to perform on your selected region. For an example of how to create a region and perform an operation, see Pixelate a confidential region.

The Edit group has an interactive Redact tool Édition interactive and an Operations drop-down gallery. The Redact tool allows you to draw a polygon on the image, and it will black out your region. Each of the Operations will open the Pixel Editor Operations pane, and the operation will only be performed on the selected region. The Pixel Editor Operations pane shows you the parameters available for the edit operation.

Remarque :

Only raster datasets can be edited using Pixel Editor. Raster products, mosaic datasets, and image services are not supported.



Obscure the selected region with a blurred effect. Blur can also be used to smooth a noisy area.

The Factor option allows you to set the level of blurring to perform, in which higher values result in more blurring.

Check the Sharpen check box to sharpen the image that has been obscured. This will make the region less noticeably obscured.

When the Exclude Region Intersections check box is checked, any regions that intersect the active region are excluded from this operation.

Traitement personnalisé

Custom Processing

Apply a raster processing template (.rft.xml) to the selected region.

The following two factors must be true for the operation to be successful:

  • Both the input (raster being edited) and the output region must have the exact same properties, such as number of bands, bit-depth, and so on.
  • The parameters in the processing template must all be valid.



Obscure the region by resampling the region to an exaggerated pixel size.

The Factor option allows you to set the level of resampling to perform, in which higher values create more pixelation.

Check the Sharpen check box to sharpen the image that has been obscured. This will make the region less noticeably obscured.

When the Exclude Region Intersections check box is checked, any regions that intersect the active region are excluded from this operation.



Black out the selected region.

When the Exclude Region Intersections check box is checked, any regions that intersect the active region are excluded from this operation.

Définir NoData

Set NoData

Set the pixels in the selected region as NoData pixels for each band.

When the Exclude Region Intersections check box is checked, any regions that intersect the active region are excluded from this operation.

You can use the Undo button Annuler to reverse the last action that was performed by the tools on the Pixel Editor tab. The undo action can also be performed by pressing Ctrl+Z; this shortcut can also be used to undo actions that were performed in the Pixel Editor Operations pane. You can use the Redo button Rétablir to reverse the undo action that was performed by the tools on the Pixel Editor tab. The redo action can also be performed by pressing Ctrl+Y; this shortcut can also be used to redo actions that were performed in the Pixel Editor Operations pane.

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