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The frequency and type of data quality control activities you perform will change and evolve during a project's life cycle. At the beginning of a project, many activities revolve around the identification and gathering of data, along with other reference materials necessary to support the initial analysis. Often, data identified for your project has been created originally to support other initiatives and can come from multiple sources from different time periods, with varying levels of accuracy. Automated validation allows you to quickly establish a baseline assessment to determine whether the data meets quality requirements outlined in your project's quality assurance plan.
Set features to validate
Depending on the type of validation you are doing, you may want to control which features are validated in your data. For example, to establish a baseline assessment, you may want to validate all features within the project's area of interest.
The following steps will help you configure the features to validate when using the Run Reviewer Rules command:
- In the Catalog pane, click the map that contains features that require validation.
- On the Edit tab, click Manage Quality
to activate the Manage Quality tab.
- On the Manage Quality tab, click the Run Reviewer Rules drop-down arrow to display the Options dialog box.
Remarque :
Run Reviewer Rules
is unavailable when either of the following is true:
- The active map does not contain Reviewer rules. For more information, see Create Reviewer rules in a map.
- A default Reviewer results session has not been configured in the project, or the Reviewer Results pane is closed. For more information, see Access Reviewer error results.
- On the Run Reviewer Rules dialog box, in the Feature to validate group, choose one of the following settings to control the features to be validated:
- Visible layers only—Validates only those features that are visible in the active map. This is the default option.
- Changed features only—Validates only those features that have been changed in the child geodatabase version, and only applies to a check's input feature layer. All features in the secondary feature layers are used in validation. Changes between versions include the following:
- Features inserted in the child version but not the parent
- Features changed in the child version and unchanged in the parent
- Features changed in both child and parent versions
- Features changed in the child version and deleted in the parent
Remarque :
The Changed Features Only option is available when layers are sourced from a versioned enterprise geodatabase. For more information, see Overview of versioning.
Set rules to run
As tasks are completed in your project, you may want to control which rules are run when validating features referenced in your project. For example, to establish a baseline assessment of quality, you may want to use rules that validate both attribution and spatial properties. Alternatively, when updating attributes of existing features, it may be more efficient to validate only the attribution of a changed feature.
The following steps will allow you to configure the type of rules that validate your features:
- In the Catalog pane, click the map that contains features that require validation.
- On the Edit tab, click Manage Quality
to activate the Manage Quality tab.
- On the Manage Quality tab, click the Run Reviewer Rules drop-down arrow to display the Options dialog box.
Remarque :
Run Reviewer Rules
is unavailable when either of the following is true:
- The active map does not contain Reviewer rules. For more information, see Create Reviewer rules in a map.
- A default Reviewer results session has not been configured in the project, or the Reviewer Results pane is closed. For more information, see Access Reviewer error results.
- On the Run Reviewer Rules dialog box, in the Rules to run group, choose one of the following validation methods:
- Attribute validation—Validates feature attribution. This is the default option.
- Spatial relationship—Validates feature spatial components and relationships.