Disponible avec une licence Aviation Airports.
Disponible avec une licence Aviation Charting.
Creates obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) based on the ICAO Annex 14 specification. These surfaces define the airspace around aerodromes to be free of obstacles so operations can be performed safely. This tool creates surfaces as a polygon or multipatch features.
The Input Runway Features parameter must be z-enabled.
This tool creates the OIS in an existing polygon or multipatch feature class. It can also be generated in an existing polygon shapefile. If a feature class is selected for Target, it must have a vertical spatial reference.
To create a JSON file for Custom JSON File, use the CustomizeOIS.exe file that is part of the ArcGIS Aviation data package available from My Esri.
The Airport Elevation parameter has a default value of 0. If you use an elevation value greater than 0, it takes precedence and overrides any existing airport elevation value read from the Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter.
The Input Airport Control Point Feature parameter can be used to supply XYZ geometry for an Airport Elevation feature, Displaced Threshold features, or both. If displaced thresholds are included, surfaces will be constructed based on their XYZ geometry instead of their corresponding Input Runway Feature endpoint.
OIS tools are flexible and accept a variety of input and output feature class types. For more information, see the OIS Input and Output schemas.
ICAOAnnex14(in_features, target, runway_type, {highend_clear_way_length}, {lowend_clear_way_length}, {airport_elevation}, {runway_direction}, {include_merged_surface}, {custom_json_file}, {airport_control_point_feature_class})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
in_features | The input runway dataset. The feature class must be z-enabled and contain polylines. | Feature Layer |
target | The output feature class that will contain the generated obstruction identification surfaces. | Feature Layer |
runway_type | The runway classification of the in_features parameter.
| String |
highend_clear_way_length (Facultatif) | The length of the area at the high end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features. | Double |
lowend_clear_way_length (Facultatif) | The length of the area at the low end of the runway. The unit of measurement is based on the input runway features. | Double |
airport_elevation (Facultatif) | The highest elevation on any of the runways of the airport. The value should be given in the vertical coordinate system linear units of the target feature class. If no value is given, the highest point on the Input Runway Features will be used. | Double |
runway_direction (Facultatif) | Specifies at which end of the runway the approach surface will be created.
| String |
include_merged_surface (Facultatif) | Indicates whether merged surfaces are generated.
| Boolean |
custom_json_file (Facultatif) | The import configuration, in JSON format, that creates the custom OIS. | File |
airport_control_point_feature_class (Facultatif) | The point features containing an Airport Elevation feature, Displaced Threshold features, or both. Values entered into the Airport Elevation parameter will take precedence over these point features. | Feature Layer |
Sortie dérivée
Nom | Explication | Type de données |
derived_outfeatureclass | The updated feature class containing the generated obstruction identification surfaces. | Feature Layer |
Exemple de code
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ICAOAnnex14 tool.
import arcpy
# set gp environment
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/data/ois.gdb"
# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = "RunwayCenterline"
# feature class that will contain the OIS surface
outFeatureClass = "ObstructionIdSurface"
# runway variables
runwayDir = "HIGH_END_TO_LOW_END"
arcpy.ICAOAnnex14_aviation(inFeatures, outFeatureClass, runway, 10, 0, 100,
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ICAOAnnex14 tool with the custom_json_file parameter.
import arcpy
# set gp environment
# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = "RunwayCenterline"
# feature class that will contain the OIS surface
outFeatureClass = "ObstructionIdSurface"
# runway variables
runwayDir = "HIGH_END_TO_LOW_END"
customJSON = r"C:\data\customOIS.json"
arcpy.ICAOAnnex14_aviation(inFeatures, outFeatureClass, runway, 10, 0, 100,
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ICAOAnnex14 tool with the airport_control_point_feature_class parameter.
import arcpy
# set gp environment
# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = "RunwayCenterline"
# feature class that will contain the OIS surface
outFeatureClass = "ObstructionIdSurface"
# runway variables
runwayDir = "HIGH_END_TO_LOW_END"
customJSON = r"C:\data\customOIS.json"
# Feature class that will contain the Airport Elevation feature
inACPFeatures= "AirportControlPoint"
arcpy.ICAOAnnex14_aviation(inFeatures, outFeatureClass, runway, 10, 0, 0,
runwayDir, "INCLUDE_MERGED_SURFACE", customJSON, inACPFeatures)
Informations de licence
- Basic: Non
- Standard: Requiert Airports, ArcGIS Aviation Charting
- Advanced: Requiert Airports, ArcGIS Aviation Charting