Enable Referent Fields (Location Referencing)

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Enables or modifies the referent fields so that you can manage referent information for the registered LRS event.

Learn more about event referent fields


  • The tool enables the referent fields by allowing you to register the existing fields as the referent fields.

  • If referent fields are already enabled, then by default, the tool will populate the existing fields so that they can be modified.

  • The existing data in the referent fields is not validated or updated when you enable or modify the referent fields.

  • To disable the referent fields, use the Disable Referent Fields tool.


EnableReferentFields(in_feature_class, {from_referent_method_field}, {from_referent_location_field}, {from_referent_offset_field}, {to_referent_method_field}, {to_referent_location_field}, {to_referent_offset_field}, {offset_units})
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The feature class that will be used for the LRS event.

Feature Layer

The From referent method field.


The From referent location field.


The From referent offset field.


The To referent method field.


The To referent location field.


The To referent offset field.


Specifies the offset units to be used. The default is feet.

  • CENTIMETERSCentimeters is the offset unit.
  • DECIMETERSDecimeters is the offset unit.
  • FEETFeet is the offset unit.
  • INCHESInches is the offset unit.
  • KILOMETERSKilometers is the offset unit.
  • METERSMeters is the offset unit.
  • MILESMiles is the offset unit.
  • MILLIMETERSMillimeters is the offset unit.
  • YARDSYards is the offset unit.

Sortie dérivée

NomExplicationType de données

The updated event feature layer.

Feature Layer

Exemple de code

EnableReferentFields example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the EnableReferentFields tool in immediate mode to enable referent fields for an existing LRS event.

# Name: Enable_Referent_Fields_ex1.py
# Description: Enable referent fields for an existing LRS Event that already has referent fields configured.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing

# Check out license

# Local variables:
inputEventFC = r"c:\EnableReferent\Py\EnableReferent.gdb\LRS"
fromReferentMethodField = 'FromRefMethod'
fromReferentLocationField = 'FromRefLocation'
fromReferentOffsetField = 'FromRefOffset'
toReferentMethodField = 'ToRefMethod'
toReferentLocationField = 'ToRefLocation'
toReferentOffsetField = 'ToRefOffset'
offsetUnit = 'FEET'

# Execute the tool
arcpy.EnableReferentFields_locref(inputEventFC, fromReferentMethodField, fromReferentLocationField,
                                  fromReferentOffsetField, toReferentMethodField, toReferentLocationField,
                                  toReferentOffsetField, offsetUnit)

# Check in license
EnableReferentFields example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the EnableReferentFields tool to enable referent fields for an existing LRS event.

# Name: Enable_Referent_Fields_ex2.py
# Description: Enables referent fields for an existing LRS Event.
# Requires: ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out license

# Local variables
inputEventFC = "c:\EnableReferent\Py\EnableReferent.gdb\LRS"
fromReferentMethodField = 'FromRefMethod'
fromReferentLocationField = 'FromRefLocation'
fromReferentOffsetField = 'FromRefOffset'
toReferentMethodField = 'ToRefMethod'
toReferentLocationField = 'ToRefLocation'
toReferentOffsetField = 'ToRefOffset'
offsetUnit = 'FEET'

# execute the tool
arcpy.EnableReferentFields_locref(inputEventFC, fromReferentMethodField, fromReferentLocationField,
                                  fromReferentOffsetField, toReferentMethodField, toReferentLocationField,
                                  toReferentOffsetField, offsetUnit)

# Check in license
EnableReferentFields example 3 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the EnableReferentFields tool to modify referent fields for an existing LRS event that already has configured referent fields.

# Name: Enable_Referent_Fields_ex3.py
# Description: Modifies  referent fields for an existing LRS Event that already has referent fields configured.
# Requires: ArcGIS Location Referencing

# Import arcpy module
import arcpy

# Check out license

# Local variables:
inputEventFC = r"c:\EnableReferent\Py\EnableReferent.gdb\LRS"
toReferentMethodField = 'ToRefMethod2'
toReferentLocationField = 'ToRefLocation2'
toReferentOffsetField = 'ToRefOffset2'

# Execute the tool
arcpy.EnableReferentFields_locref(inputEventFC, '' , '' , '' , toReferentMethodField, toReferentLocationField, toReferentOffsetField)

# Check in license


Cet outil n'utilise pas d’environnement de géotraitement.

Informations de licence

  • Basic: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Requiert ArcGIS Location Referencing

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